There’s a Yard Sign… So Why Are We Driving Past It?

homes on a street with yard signs in front of them

As Realty Executives’ Jeff Ross and Renee Gaun were driving clients around their well-loved city of Flagstaff, Arizona, they were asked a common question:

Why don’t buyers’ agents show every property displaying a yard sign?

It’s a legitimate question from many prospective buyers, and an often-unrecognized service provided by the realtor. Read on to learn why a realtor may skip some homes, and how working with an Executive simplifies your home search.

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Essentials of a Man Cave

A man hanging a mancave sign on the door.

Remodeling your home? Have an extra room in the basement you’re not sure what to do with? Maybe it’s time to create the ultimate man cave! Whether you want a place for Friday night poker or to watch your favorite team take on their rivals, a man cave is the perfect place to sit back and relax. Check out these six essentials for creating a dream room.

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Stove Shopping: Gas vs. Electric

A kitchen with a new stove next to blue cabinets.

As any homeowner will tell you, there’s more to a home than meets the eye. One decision on the horizon is choosing between gas and electric. If appliance choices have got you feeling the heat, know that it’s easier than you think. Here are a few pointers on choosing the right stove for your needs.

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7 Features Senior Buyers Should Look for in a House

An older man looking out the window of his home that includes the features senior buyers should look for.

Before 1960, when urban development began, senior homebuyers had a difficult time locating builders that could meet their unique requirements or build to suit. Today, there are still plenty of retirees looking to find their forever home. Seeing how more and more people choose to grow older in their own homes, it’s imperative that these homes meet their particular needs. Luckily, the market offers many options to help senior homeowners to live a quality life. With that said, let’s discuss the 7 features senior homebuyers should look for in a house.

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Making Sense of Home Automation in the Real Estate Market

phone with icons showing home automation

Every year there seems to be a new phone, gadget or product that is a must-have on everyone’s shopping list. But when it comes to shopping for a home, how does the newest home technology influence the buying and selling process? Do homeowners need to add smart home features to sell their homes? Should buyers be on the lookout for automation in their new home? If, like most people, you have questions about home automation and the real estate market, we have a few answers that may help you out.

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So…You Want to Buy a Cottage!?

A cottage by the water with a gray dock.
Whether in the mountains or by the water, there are fabulous cottage options available for those looking for a seasonal home!

Seasonal homes are known by many different names, and the names often vary depending upon location. You may hear them called camps, cottages, beach houses, cabins, or chalets. Many are located near the water, but sometimes they are secluded in the woods or in the mountains. No matter what we name them, these properties call to us and remind us of the carefree holidays of our youth. Seasonal homes are the root of fond memories that include days on a beach and in the water, and evenings by a campfire, roasting marshmallows, telling stories, and eating s’mores.

Nonetheless, buying a vacation home is not for the faint of heart. It is important to do your research before deciding to make an investment. Read on for some considerations when searching for the perfect cottage.

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How to Make Home a Safer Place When Living with Kids

A family with two young children happy and safe in the home.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that about 9.2 million children have to visit the emergency department for an unintentional injury each year. Unfortunately, the CDC also states that injuries are the leading cause of death for children in the US and Canada, too.

Children are curious, easily distracted, and more prone to injury than adults are. So, it’s important to take extra precautions to keep them safe, even in the home.

Thankfully, most of the accidents mentioned in the CDC’s research are preventable with the right approaches to safety. Here’s what you need to know to minimize risks and make your home a safe and hazard-free space for kids.

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Buying a Condo vs. Buying a House: Key Differences

a condo building next to a single family home, representing buying a condo vs. buying a house

Buying your first home is an exciting time. You’ve decided to step out of the comfort of renting or staying somewhere rent-free and step into a place you can truly call your own. But if you’re not interested in a large space, is owning a condo the same thing as owning a house?

Both options have their benefits and drawbacks, but it ultimately comes down to what you value in a home. You must choose which option fits you correctly, or you might find yourself thinking the grass is greener on your neighbor’s lawn.

We’ll walk you through the process and differences of buying a condo vs. buying a house.

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Lisa Glombowski Named Eastern Thumb’s Realtor of the Year

Lisa Glombowski, Realtor of the Year
Lisa Glombowski of Realty Executives Home Towne

Realty Executives Home Towne of Port Huron, Michigan, is pleased to announce that Lisa Glombowski has been honored as the Eastern Thumb Association of Realtors® 2021 Realtor of the Year.  This award recognizes the behaviors and attributes that make a real estate professional shine: service to the community and the association, ethical behavior, commitment to bettering the profession, and participation in civic and charitable opportunities. Nominees for the award were submitted by peers in the association. The final selection was made by an anonymous vote by the Board of Directors.

Looking back, Glombowski says she carried an unexplainable attraction to real estate for years before deciding to make a career switch. Despite having multiple people try to dissuade her, she obtained her license in 2013. “I was working at an orthodontist office, my kids were off to college, and I felt that I finally had the time to commit to starting my own business,” she said. “What was the worst that could happen? No matter what, I was going to gain knowledge.”

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Granny Chic Design

a granny chic designed living room
Granny chic combines the new and old by throwing out the rules when it comes to blending colors and patterns.

If you’ve scrolled through Pinterest lately, chances are you’ve seen pins for granny chic design. Sometimes referred to as grandmillennial style, granny chic design combines traditional American interiors with modern touches. Think of it as grandma’s house on steroids where excess is everything. Here’s how to bring together new and old for a grandmillennial win.

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