All posts by Alysia Heun

What to Look for in a Real Estate Agent

Hiring a real estate agent is one of the smartest decisions you can make when you’re looking to buy or sell a home. But not all real estate agents are the same, and not every agent has your best interest in mind.

As a reminder, you should always interview multiple real estate agents when you are looking to hire someone to help with your buying or selling process. Don’t go with the first person you find or someone who seems convenient to hire. Chat with multiple agents to get a feel for their differences and hire the person who is right for you. Here are some of the best tips for what to look for in a real estate agent and how to find the perfect agent for you.

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Is There a Perfect Time to Sell Your Home?

Selling your home is a big decision that you don’t want to take lightly. When it comes to putting your home on the market, you don’t want to make a mistake that will end up costing you much more than you anticipated. And once you decide you want to sell your home, there are many things to think about before listing it, including the time of year (and time in your life) you choose to sell. Here’s what you should consider before selling your home, and whether or not there is a perfect time to do so.

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A Tale of Two States: Phoenix a Hot Market for Nebraskans


When Fremont native Bart Mruz settled down in Phoenix, Arizona, he didn’t expect that so many of his fellow Nebraskans would follow.

Mruz is a real estate agent in Phoenix for the brokerage Realty Executives. As part of his job, he specializes in helping people from his home state to buy and sell property in his adopted state.

And the market is hot, Mruz said. On average, he sees 20 to 25 purchases per month from the eastern Nebraska area. He knows about 30 people from Fremont that have purchased property there.

“I call it a tale of two states,” he said. “You’d be shocked, especially on Cornhusker game days, how many people are down here at the bars. There’s a huge presence.”


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Realty Executives of Cape County Broker Associate Recently Awarded Good Neighbor Award


Congrats to Raelenna Ferguson, Broker Associate at Realty Executives of Cape Country, in Cape Girardeau, Missouri who was recently awarded the Good Neighbor Award from the the Missouri Association of Realtors.

The Good Neighbor Award recognizes and rewards REALTORS® across the state of Missouri for their dedication to local communities and volunteer service. The winner of the annual Missouri Good Neighbor Award receives $2,500 for his or her charity, as well as statewide recognition.

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How Real Estate Law Benefits and Protects Homeowners

Very few things in life can make you feel safe, proud and happy at the same time. Being a homeowner gives you these and more. You may not think about it this way, but owning a home is a great achievement. With today’s real estate prices, to afford a house is no easy feat.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand the advantages of buying a house over renting, so long as your finances can handle it. With real estate value getting higher and higher by the day, homeownership is an investment that builds equity and grows with time.

The amount of money you put into that piece of real estate property is not a joke. That said, you must do everything in your power to protect it. How, you ask? Well, learning your rights as a homeowner is a pretty good place to start.

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Get Connected With New Realty Executives Technology

Realty Executives strives to provide our brokers and agents with the top technology to help keep you connected to your clients and create a seamless experience. In our comprehensive suite, we have several tools that will set you up for success and enhance your productivity. Take a look below for a breakdown of each of our new technology tools.

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Seven Qualities of a Good Neighbor

If you want good neighbors, you’ll first have to become one yourself. Master these seven techniques, and even you (yes, you!) can win the approval of your entire neighborhood.

1. Good neighbors bring cookies

Whether you’re new in town or haven’t kept in touch, a delivery of freshly baked goods is a perfect way to break the ice and let neighbors know that you’re thinking of them.

If cookies can keep Santa returning year after year with a bag full of loot, then surely they can train your neighbors to do your bidding. Consider the following scenario.

“Honey, somebody’s robbing the neighbor’s house again.”
“Wait, Janet. The ones who brought cookies yesterday?”
“Exactly. This time I’ll call the cops.”

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What Today’s Real Estate Agents Want

When communicating with agents, it can be hard to create the right messaging and provide the right tools for different work forces. As a brokerage looking to recruit the agents, you must keep in mind your audience, as different generations prefer varying methods of communication and work culture.

Millennials value flexibility and culture fit over commission splits, in comparison to Gen X and Baby Boomers ranking it at the top. Agents across all generations (70% avg.), feel it is important for brokerages to provide them with technology tools, as the tools continue to be a critical part of the transaction.

In today’s real estate industry, millennials have a tremendous impact. They make up the largest (56 million) workforce in the U.S. and brokerages are having to change their ways of recruiting.

All generations bring different values and needs to the real estate industry, which can be difficult and frustrating to navigate.  Check out the infographic to help break down what brokerages should focus on today to recruit the agents they want.

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Three Steps to Improving Your Reputation with Homebuyers and Sellers

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In a competitive market, customers are looking for a specialist who can give them the advantage with cutting edge real estate knowledge and insight of a true industry expert.

You don’t need 15 years of real estate behind you to become a real estate expert. If you’re relatively new to the profession, you’ll certainly want to draw from the experience of more tenured agents. But time alone does not guarantee expertise.

Here are three top tips to help position yourself as an expert and gain the upper edge in the marketplace.

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How a Danish Principle Can Change How You Sell Your Home

Moving in the winter can be tough, but coming home to an empty or show-ready house can make short, cold days and nights even harder. Enter hygge, a Danish principle that brings comfort and contentment as the essentials to create enjoyment during winter. Pronounced “hoo-ga,” it began as a lifestyle to help make Northern European winters more enjoyable, but has evolved into a style trend in recent years. There are some simple and easy ways it can add touches of it to your space without adding more stress to the sale and moving process.

Hygge is all about creating a feeling, atmosphere and ambiance of relaxation by surrounding yourself with cozy things and doing activities you love. Beyond being a winter mindset, it is quickly becoming a trend for both self-care and interior design for good reason, since it can lift your spirits while also incorporating gorgeous seasonal decor.

Even during the stressful process of selling a house or working to settle into a new one, hygge can still help make the winter days pass a little smoother!

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