Tag Archives: moving

Downsizing Tips for Empty Nesters

Two empty nesters packing up their kitchen so they can downsize homes.

It happens to many families: after a lifetime of kids, a lifetime of memories, and a lifetime’s worth of stuff, you are suddenly faced with a space that feels too large and cluttered. Sure, your house was the perfect place to raise your family, but do you still need a three or four-chair dinner set? How about that clean, empty bedroom you are no longer using? If you suddenly find yourself with more space than you need, downsizing may be a good idea.

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How to Get Involved with Your Community After Moving

A group of young people greeting each other in their new community.

Perhaps you’ve recently signed a rental lease or bought a home in an area you’re unfamiliar with. With the help of Realty Executives, finding the right home is a cinch! But settling in after moving can be a tough process. These resources will aid you with every aspect, from switching your address to meeting friends in your new community.

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Best Apps to Get to Know Your New City

Navigating a new city is hard. Moving is one of the most stressful things a person will do in their life. Luckily, our phones make the transition a little easier by having a plethora of apps to download in order to thrive in your new home.

Apps to meet new people

We are social animals. We need people – simple as that. Making friends in your new city will be one of the first things you’ll want to do, and these apps make it so easy to connect with new people!


Don’t just stay at home every night binging your latest TV addiction. Get out there and meet like minded people! Meetup makes it easy to do that. Whatever your interests are, Meetup most likely has a group for it. Whether you’re into running and want to train for a local race, a reader looking for a book club or an outdoorsman looking for people to hike with, Meetup has kindred spirits just waiting for you.

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Pre-Assembled or Flat Pack Furniture: Which is Better?

There’s a lot of things to consider before purchasing furniture. Color, design, quality, and quantity are on top of the list. However, one point that you should keep in mind is how you want them to be delivered. 

When it comes to delivery, pre-assembled or flat pack furniture are two terms you should jot down when purchasing furniture for your new place. Which is better? Let’s found out.

Pre-assembled Furniture

If you don’t find yourself comfortable at assembling furniture, then you can rely on pre-assembled furniture. The term says it clearly. This kind of furniture is pre-made and is either handmade or done by machines. 

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Five Home Relocation Tips

House relocation can be stressful, time-consuming and expensive affair especially if you have lots of items that need hauling over long distances. However, you can make the process easy by planning and getting help from the right sources. Here are five tips to help when planning a relocation.

Plan Early

When you start preparations early, you have all the time you need to put everything in its right place for the relocation. Make a checklist of things that need to be accomplished each week and give timelines to each activity. Tick each activity that you complete.

Waiting until the last minute might prove expensive, labor intensive and stressful. Do not underestimate the effort and planning required in house removals. Start early to be ready when time comes.

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How to Get Rid of Large Items in Your Home

Whether you are refurbishing your home or moving to a new house, knowing how to get rid of large items in your house and unwanted furniture is a real challenge. A damaged car, unwanted furniture, and other large items in the house require a good process. In this list, we have indicated some tips that could help you get rid of old items to create space for newer decor in your house.

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Tips for Moving Stress Free

Moving is always a source of stress, but there are several ways you can get through the process and work through those boxes as efficiently and quickly as possible. Check out these tips to moving without the stress and hassle.

1. Adopt a solution-focused attitude

You can’t control everything, but you can choose how you react. If you see moving as a challenge, you’re more likely to see options and solutions to difficult situations. Staying optimistic and positive will help you keep calm and open to new possibilities. In contrast, if you see moving as mostly a negative experience on par with getting a tooth pulled, your natural response could be to shut down, avoid, and procrastinate — which will only lead to more stress. While there’s no doubt that moving involves stress and work, you can make things easier on yourself by deciding to move forward one small step at a time. 

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How to Help Your Kids with Back-to-School Season After a Move

Moving can be stressful for all members of the family, but especially your kids. No matter the age, kids can have a difficult time adjusting to a move, especially once back-to-school season rolls around. Since summer is the most popular time of year to move, starting a new school after moving can be challenging, so here are a few tips for helping your kids feel less alone when starting a new school this fall.

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Prepare for Your Move by Packing Like a Pro

A huge part of knowing how to prepare for a move is knowing how to pack. What do you do with all those necklaces? How do you keep those electric cables organized? Here are our best tips and hacks to prepare you for packing like a pro.

Purchase the right packing supplies

Moving is expensive enough without wasting money on supplies you don’t need. For example, you’re going to want the right kind of boxes to fit your personal items. Have a lot of books but very few hanging clothes? Buying the appropriate shape and size of boxes can make all the difference when packing up your home.

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The Ultimate Moving Checklist: Post-Move

You’ve finally got all of your belongings into your new home, but don’t lose steam now! You’re in the final stretch of your new home checklist and there’s just a couple more essentials to get through. It’s a good idea to set a daily (or weekly) goal for yourself when it comes to these final steps. Be realistic, stick to your schedule, and you’ll be settled in before you know it.

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