Category Archives: Family Home

Strategies to Reduce Water Use

A person shutting off the faucet to reduce water use.

With climate change and global warming hot topics in society today, you might be wondering if there are some ways you can reduce water use to help the environment. Reducing water use also helps you save on your monthly utility bills, which means you have more money to put elsewhere in your budget.

Here are some easy strategies you can implement to help reduce your water use.

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14 Fall Decor Ideas For Home

A sign reading "hello fall" on a mantel.

From the first change of color in the foliage to the fragrance of home-baked pie, fall offers a lot to look forward to. The kids are back in school, holidays are around the corner, spiced lattes are the rage, and it is finally sweater weather. To enjoy the season to the fullest, it is important to maximize the coziness factor in your home. Read on for fall home décor ideas and tips!

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Prepping Lawns & Outdoor Spaces for Fall

A lawn mower cutting down the grass to prepare the outdoors for fall.

The summer months are coming to a close, meaning fall is soon upon us. Some may be disappointed over the end of fun in the sun, while others celebrate cooler temperatures and seasonal delights such as Halloween and pumpkin spice lattes. No matter your stance, your lawn and outdoor spaces need some maintenance. Here are some tasks to check off to prep the outdoors for fall.

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Using Colored Concrete in the Home

A garage with a blue, colored concrete floor.

Concrete creates a solid foundation for your house, yet it doesn’t offer much pop in color. Naturally gray, you might wonder if there is a way for you to add some color to make pathways and other structures stand out. There are several affordable ways to implement colored concrete in your home.  Read on to learn more about methods to color your concrete, and how to integrate it into your home!

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How to Make Your Home Accessible for Aging Parents

Two grandparents in a home that has been made accessible for them and their changing needs.

For many people, the idea of aging in place is appealing. The ability to stay in one’s own home as you age has numerous benefits. It can provide a sense of continuity and comfort, as well as increased independence and control over one’s environment. Plus, aging in place can often be less expensive than moving to a retirement community or long-term care facility. It also allows people to remain close to their family and friends, which can be especially beneficial as they age.

This style of living can allow people to age with dignity, in a setting that is familiar and comfortable to them. For all these reasons, aging in place is an attractive option for many seniors. As a result, we may find ourselves in the position of needing to make some changes to our homes to make them more accessible. This can be a challenge, but it’s important to do what we can to help our aging parents stay safe and independent. Here are a few tips on how to make your home more accessible for aging parents.

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How to Safely Introduce a Pet Dog to Your Chickens (The Right Way!)

A dog saying hello to a friendly chicken in the yard.

As chicken coops have spread beyond farming communities and across the backyards of modern suburbia, more and more people have found themselves struggling to introduce their pet dogs to their new chickens, or even wondering if they should do it at all.

In this article, we’ll cover the ins and outs of living in harmony with a dog and a flock of chickens.

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6 Steps to Safely Move a Fish Tank

A fish tank that needs to be moved from one home to another.

Are you worried about safely bringing your fish along to your new house or apartment? This article has the answers for safe and hassle-free transportation.

Moving with any pet can be stressful, for both you and your animal(s), but it is perhaps most stressful when trying to move an entire aquarium. After all, in addition to potentially dozens of fish that need to be kept in stable, safe water that meets their own parameters, there are also all the plants, small animals, and various pieces of equipment, as well as the large, fragile glass tank itself. Whether you keep salt or freshwater fish, moving an aquarium is a complex and delicate process. It is doable, however, and can be done without much hassle if you follow a few common-sense steps for safely packing, transporting, and transitioning fish from one house to another.

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8 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Summer Weather

The summer season is upon us, and longer and warmer days are coming! And since we are done with spring, it is time to prep your home for the upcoming months. Like you would winterize your home in the colder months, it’s time to do the opposite and prepare your home for the warmer days. But why is it so important to do this, you might ask? One of the biggest reasons is that you will be able to cool your home better. Therefore, here are eight tips to prepare your home for summer weather.

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Inexpensive Bathroom Upgrades

A new faucet with a large mirror, two inexpensive bathroom upgrades.

When you want to upgrade your home, one room to look towards is the bathroom. So many people start and end their day showering, brushing their teeth, and more, so it makes sense that you should give your bathroom a makeover.

When you can’t afford to install a new bath or shower, what are some ways you can give your bathroom an upgrade that won’t break the bank? Here are several.

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7 Mistakes to Avoid While Moving with a Pet

A family who is moving with a pet.

It’s safe to say that moving to a new place is just as nerve-racking as it is fun for most people.

A new home can usually mark a feeling of positivity and excitement, a fresh start somewhere new. However, our pets don’t see it that way.

Moving to a new place is confusing and sometimes even traumatic for your pet, whether it be a dog, cat, rabbit, bird, reptile, etc. This is because most pets need routine and familiarity. Once a familiar environment and way of life is established, it becomes difficult for them to get adjust and become socialized to something new.

Unfortunately, pet owners either forget this fact or completely overlook it, resulting in their pets becoming extremely stressed out without their owners realizing why.

It’s crucial to learn how to effectively prep and guide your pet through the moving process and how to adjust. To get some tips on doing this, keep reading and learn about some of the most common mistakes to avoid while moving with your fluffy, feathery, or scaly friends.

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