Tag Archives: energy efficiency

Stay Warm in Winter, Cool in Summer: The Benefits of Home Insulation

A sheet of insulation laying over blueprints for a home.

Home insulation is not just a home improvement; it’s a game changer for comfort and energy efficiency throughout the year. Properly insulating your home creates a barrier against the cold in winter and the heat in summer, significantly reducing heating and cooling costs.

Beyond the immediate financial savings, insulation contributes to a more stable and comfortable indoor environment, minimizing the impact of outdoor temperature fluctuations.

In this article, we explore the many benefits of home insulation and highlight why it’s essential for any homeowner looking to enhance their living space’s energy efficiency and comfort.

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Keep Cool Without Breaking the Bank

A man staying cool with the help of his AC unit.

For many of us, staying cool becomes a key priority when the sweltering summer heat hits. However, using the air conditioner continuously can result in skyrocketing energy costs, making us uncomfortable. The good news is that you may combat the heat without breaking the bank with several practical and economical methods. This blog post provides insightful advice on staying cool while minimizing energy costs.

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Energy-Saving Upgrades for Summer

A woman setting her programmable thermostat, one energy-saving upgrade to consider before summer.

When temperatures rise this summer, trying to keep your energy bills low can feel like a challenging task. From smaller, practical upgrades to utilizing technology to help you use less energy, there are countless ways you can keep your home cool and save money this summer.

If you’re considering upgrading your home this summer, consider these energy-saving options. Even minor upgrades can add up to a big difference!

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Solar Panels: What to Know

A modern home with solar panels on the roof.

If you live in the United States or Canada, you’ve probably seen many advertisements saying you can save a lot of money by installing solar panels on your home. You might have even been told that your state or provincial government will give you incentives or rebates if you sign up. But is this true? Can you significantly cut high energy costs by installing solar panels on your roof?

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Strategies to Reduce Water Use

A person shutting off the faucet to reduce water use.

With climate change and global warming hot topics in society today, you might be wondering if there are some ways you can reduce water use to help the environment. Reducing water use also helps you save on your monthly utility bills, which means you have more money to put elsewhere in your budget.

Here are some easy strategies you can implement to help reduce your water use.

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How to Save Energy in Winter

a home with a scarf, showing how it's important to save energy in winter

Dark and dreary winters can often lead to higher energy costs as families try to make their living environments more enjoyable. Common culprits include lights flipped on all day to accommodate fewer daylight hours and increased use of the heater, thanks to freezing temperatures. Energy expenses also build up with seemingly small gestures like humidifiers, running taps, and hot water heater usage as you try to find the perfect way to defrost when winter blues take hold. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to lower your energy costs, which means big winter savings.

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Air Conditioning 101: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks You Should Know

Woman enjoying the AC in her living room.
Keeping your AC running efficiently will help you stay cool all summer.

During the scorching summer months, it’s hard to imagine life without your trusted air conditioning unit. However, as the degrees drop inside your home, your electric bill can also head in the opposite direction. When faced with skyrocketing bills, it is tempting to give up your AC or live much more warmly from day-to-day.

Fortunately, there are ways you can stay cool during summer without spending a fortune. Beat the summer heat, save money, and keep your air conditioning unit in peak shape by keeping the following AC tricks, tips, and hacks in mind:

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Top Tips to Reduce HVAC Energy Costs and Lower Your Energy Bill

The average homeowner pays over $13,000 dollars yearly for electricity. This can mean at least five to ten percent of the homeowner’s income goes to electricity bills. The good news? There are countless ways to significantly reduce HVAC costs and your energy bills without sacrificing your comfort. For instance, you can dramatically reduce your energy bills by ensuring you schedule regular AC maintenance.

Although the HVAC system is deemed the primary energy guzzler at home, there are numerous ways you can lessen your HVAC energy costs and lower your energy bill. Read on for tips!

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Improving The Energy Efficiency of Your Home

Unfortunately, many homes, especially the older ones, were not built with energy efficiency in mind. Today, however, more and more people are becoming aware of just how much damage we are causing to the environment by being careless with electricity and heating, and just how much could be saved by living in an energy efficient house.  This interesting infographic  shows just how much we energy we can save by optimizing our household for energy efficiency.

A truly energy efficient home will not only reduce unnecessary energy consumption, but will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide significant savings.  The good news is, if you are living in a home that is not up to date with the latest energy saving features, there are a few things you can do yourself without having to spend a great deal of money:

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Home and Appliance Upgrades That Can Save You Money

Home and appliance upgrades can lighten your wallet. However, in the long run, you can actually pad your wallet with money you save by investing in certain upgrades.

Not all home upgrades are created equal in terms of saving money. Explore some of the smartest home upgrades you can invest your money in to save some green. Continue reading