Tag Archives: home maintenance

7 Summer Home Maintenance Tips

Hands in the air with various tools used for home and construction projects.

Summer is a beautiful season to enjoy long days, warm weather, and outdoor activities. However, it is also an ideal time to tackle some essential home maintenance tasks. Proper summer home maintenance enhances your home’s appearance and ensures everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Here are seven summer home maintenance tips to keep your home in shape.

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Getting Your Home Ready for Summer Vacation

A family packing and preparing for summer vacation.

As the temperature rises and summer approaches, many of us are eagerly anticipating our long-awaited vacations. But before you pack your bags and head out the door, it is essential to ensure that your home is prepared for your absence. From security measures to energy-saving tips, this comprehensive guide will help you prepare your home for summer vacation so you can enjoy your time away with peace of mind.

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10 Maintenance Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Roof

A home that has extended the lifespan of the roof with proper maintenance.

Your roof is one of the most critical components of your home, protecting you and your family from the elements day in and day out. With regular maintenance and care, you can extend the lifespan of your roof and avoid costly repairs or replacements down the line. In this guide, we will share 10 essential maintenance tips to help you keep your roof in top shape for years.

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Top Tips to Protect Your Home from Severe Weather Damage

A roof with rain gutters during a severe weather event.

Buying your dream home is a significant accomplishment, and you need to protect your investment. While there is no way you can control severe weather, you can do many things to prevent possible damage to your home and protect your family.

Here are tips you should remember when gearing up your home for an upcoming weather event.

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Winter Chores and Safety Tips

Gloves and a toolbelt to symbolize winter chores needed in the home.

Winter is a magical time of year, but not without its own challenges, mainly as it concerns the safety of our loved ones and homes. It is critical to be proactive to protect the structural integrity of your property and those who reside within it as the temperature drops. This comprehensive guide will review crucial measures to safeguard your home during winter.

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Prepping Your Home for Winter: Your Essential Winter Home Maintenance Checklist

A homeowner putting a cover on a home's HVAC system as part of winter home maintenance.

As winter approaches, it is time to trade in beach towels for fluffy blankets and to prepare your home for the colder months ahead.

Taking time to perform some necessary maintenance tasks can protect your home from potential damage, keep you comfortable, and save you from significant expenditures in the future.

Here is your ultimate checklist to ensure your home is winter-ready!

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Prepping Your Roof for Summer Storms in the South

A roof with rain pouring off into the gutters.

Is your roof ready for summertime storms? Summers in the South can bring an onslaught of severe weather, so it is always a good idea to be prepared. Once summer is in full swing, you can expect thunderstorms, strong winds, and torrential downpours that can wreak havoc on your roof.

The good news is that you can keep your home and family safe and comfortable by utilizing the tasks in this roof maintenance checklist, which includes tips for cleaning your gutters and info on which repairs to focus on to prevent a leaky roof.

Before we dive into the roof maintenance checklist, you should know that hiring a professional roofer is the best way to prep your roof for summertime in the South; a professional has the proper tools and experience to do the job safely and efficiently.

So, if you are ready to defend your roof against whatever weather comes your way, be proactive and use this checklist!

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Pre-Winter Home Maintenance

A hand removing fall leaves and debris from gutters.

There are many things to enjoy during the first weeks of autumn- from cooler weather and the vibrant colors of fall leaves to the first light blanket of snow. However, the change in seasons is also a reminder that winter weather is around the corner, and it is time for some quick home maintenance chores. As you indulge in sweater weather, spiced drinks, and the pre-holiday season, take time to put a few home projects on your to-do list.

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8 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Summer Weather

The summer season is upon us, and longer and warmer days are coming! And since we are done with spring, it is time to prep your home for the upcoming months. Like you would winterize your home in the colder months, it’s time to do the opposite and prepare your home for the warmer days. But why is it so important to do this, you might ask? One of the biggest reasons is that you will be able to cool your home better. Therefore, here are eight tips to prepare your home for summer weather.

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Home Maintenance Mistakes to Avoid

A man cleaning the dishwasher, an often-forgotten home maintenance task.

As a homeowner, you know the importance of maintaining your home. If you don’t give certain parts of your home tune-ups every year, you risk having to deal with costly repairs.

Most homeowners know about scheduling AC maintenance and cleaning the gutters, but many other maintenance tips might fall to the wayside. This article lists some common home maintenance mistakes and how to avoid them.

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