Tag Archives: remodeling

Cost-Effective Ways to Update a Bathroom

A bathroom with cabinets painted blue, an affordable way to update a bathroom.

Bathroom renovation is a popular home improvement project that can significantly impact the overall look of your living space. A well-designed bathroom not only increases the value of your home but also improves its functionality while giving the space a much-needed new look. However, the cost of a complete bathroom renovation can be quite high and is prohibitive for many households. In this situation, cost-effective updates are helpful.

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Say Goodbye to Impractical Design

Fabric samples and blueprints for updating impractical design.

It’s fair to say that style is subjective, and interior design is no exception. While some designs may be a certifiable failure from the get-go, other designs simply age out. Wondering if there are any old interior design fails lurking about your house? Here are a few trends worth tossing in the new year.

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How to Start Flipping Houses in Retirement

A retired couple sitting in a room in the property they are working on flipping.

If you love watching television home improvement shows and want to try house flipping for yourself, retirement is a great time to start. If done correctly, you can make some serious cash and feel good about breathing life into depressed homes. There are many communities to choose from, including age-restricted retirement communities. Let these helpful tips guide you to starting your own house flipping business as a senior.

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Inexpensive Bathroom Upgrades

A new faucet with a large mirror, two inexpensive bathroom upgrades.

When you want to upgrade your home, one room to look towards is the bathroom. So many people start and end their day showering, brushing their teeth, and more, so it makes sense that you should give your bathroom a makeover.

When you can’t afford to install a new bath or shower, what are some ways you can give your bathroom an upgrade that won’t break the bank? Here are several.

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Pro and Cons of Buying a Fixer Upper

Buying a home can seem long and at times, tedious, but you want to make sure you make the right choice when it comes to your new home! With so many options on the market, you may want to decide a few big decisions first, before diving into smaller and vast options for homes. One of the “big-picture” choices you can make is whether to buy a place in need of remodeling because it may be more affordable. With that in mind, there are also some cons to purchasing a fixer upper rather than a move-in ready place. Let’s go through the pros and cons so that you can make the best decision for you!

Pros of buying a fixer upper

Before we get into any details, let’s explain the definition of a fixer upper. In simple words, it is a cheaper apartment, condo or home, requires some or a lot of remodeling. This option is not appealing to everyone, as spending your money on a property that does not promise much does not sound very appealing. However, there are some advantages to choosing this option.

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