How to avoid winter home maintenance issues

icicles on roof gutter

Cold weather can wreak havoc on your home. According to the ​Insurance Information Institute, losses from winter weather average around $1.2 billion a year in the U.S. The best way to avoid problems caused by winter weather and precipitation is to prevent them before they happen. Here are five common problems that occur and some tips on how to prevent them: Continue reading

How to maintain your appliances without voiding your home warranty (Infographic)

claim form

For many home buyers, purchasing a basic home warranty for around $350-500 annually is a cost they are willing to incur in order to protect themselves from expensive repairs or appliance replacements. First-time home buyers in particular should not overlook the advantages of investing in a basic or upgraded home warranty, according to the National Association of REALTORS®.  

Whether you are considering your home warranty options now or are already covered, you can take simple steps to fend off appliance breakdown.  While “DIY” major repair attempts can actually void your warranty, keeping up a regular maintenance schedule will extend the life of your appliances and improve performance.

Check out these recommendations from the experts at

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3 Trends driving the 2017 housing market

Rising real estate market ahead

What can homeowners, buyers and sellers expect in 2017? Real estate experts have a positive outlook for 2017 and are predicting continued growth. “Opportunities in the Canadian market continue to be abundant but no two markets are the same,” says Frank Magliocco, partner  and national real estate practice leader at PwC Canada.

Commenting on the U.S. market, National Association of Home Builders Chairman Ed Brady said, “Ongoing job growth, low mortgage rates and rising incomes are contributing to a firming housing market and economy.” He added, “Though some areas are recovering faster than others, the overall trend is positive.”

Here are three trends that are expected to have a significant impact on housing over the next 12 months:

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How will the election affect real estate markets across the country?


Questions about how the 2016 presidential election is going to affect the housing market have been top-of-mind over the last 12 months. And with real estate magnate Donald Trump being voted into office as America’s 45th president, experts are taking a closer look at his policies and campaign promises.

However, the answer to this question is different depending on your location, so we reached out to real estate professionals across the country:

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House hunting with teens: What to put on your “must-have” list


Working with families as a professional organizer, I’ve learned that needs are different for a family with teens. With little ones, you want a bedroom close by your own room and a big yard where they can run and play. With older kids, your shopping list becomes an interesting combination. You want and need space to be together and interact. And at the same time, your teen needs space to be alone and to grow.

Here are some different factors to consider if you’re house hunting with teens or soon-to-be teens.

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To decorate or not to decorate: Selling your home during the holidays

Girl taking photo of Christmas decorations

The housing market doesn’t come to a standstill during the holidays, and several real estate experts have found that buyers shopping for homes during this time are more motivated and deadline-driven.

“Homebuyers who shop during the off season, and in particular around the holidays, are typically very serious about getting into a house,” says Sharon Voss, president of the Orlando Regional Realtor Association.

Buyers may be looking to relocate for new jobs before the start of the new year, or they may want to close a deal before the end of the tax year. Whatever the case may be, should you put the holidays on hold for you and your family, or go ahead and decorate your home?

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Quiz: How to tell if a real estate agent is right for you

Puzzle pieces

Hiring the wrong real estate agent could significantly impact your experience as a buyer or a seller. The right real estate agent will not only have a great resume and be genuinely committed to helping you meet your needs, but he/she will “click” with you too.

“Real estate is a people business. You have to like and understand people if you want to succeed in real estate,” says Matt Williams, Broker/Owner of Realty Executives Williams Sykes Realty.

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Meet Realty Executives International’s Franchise Advisory Council for 2016/2017

Realty Executives Franchise Advisory Council

The Franchise Advisory Council (FAC) represents Broker/Owners from across the Realty Executives International system. The group, which rotates membership periodically, works with management to exchange ideas and opportunities for growing Realty Executives at the grassroots and network levels.

“The FAC provides the perfect setting for franchisees to participate in the development of the Realty Executives brand, marketing, technology, tools, training, and concierge support,” says David Celaya, Vice President of Training and Product Development.

The FAC currently consists of nine members spread across North America and meets twice a year to help shape the development agenda for the network. Members are not only expected to participate in meetings, but to also reach out to their peers for ideas and input throughout the year. FAC member brokerages also participate in beta testing for technology and marketing initiatives in order to help fine-tune plans prior to releasing to the system-wide network.

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Matt Winzenried: “The heart of my business is referrals”

Matt WinzenriedRealty Executives Cooper Spransy was recently voted one of the Best Places to Work in Madison, Wisconsin.

“The culture that we have is the best around,” says Broker Associate Matt Winzenried. “Our agents are always open to helping each other, and even the style of our office makes you want to come in and just hang out.”

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