Category Archives: Health & Safety

Checking the Air Quality in Your Home

Couple with masks on because they are concerned about the air quality in the home
Have you checked your home’s air quality lately?

Your home is a place of comfort and security. However, is this possible with defective indoor air quality levels? During wildfire and allergy seasons, you may notice air quality alerts. These put you at risk for harmful effects from your outdoor air quality. Regardless, throughout the rest of the year, your home’s indoor toxins, pollutants, and chemicals could be worse than the outdoor air.

If you’re unfamiliar with how your home’s indoor air quality affects you, it’s critical to learn more. There are adverse health effects resulting from exposure to poor air quality, and you should monitor for various symptoms and conditions that can occur. This information will help you to avoid, prevent, and stop pollution in your home. Read on to understand some of the major indoor air pollutants and what you can do to keep your home clean and healthy.

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Top Tips to Reduce HVAC Energy Costs and Lower Your Energy Bill

The average homeowner pays over $13,000 dollars yearly for electricity. This can mean at least five to ten percent of the homeowner’s income goes to electricity bills. The good news? There are countless ways to significantly reduce HVAC costs and your energy bills without sacrificing your comfort. For instance, you can dramatically reduce your energy bills by ensuring you schedule regular AC maintenance.

Although the HVAC system is deemed the primary energy guzzler at home, there are numerous ways you can lessen your HVAC energy costs and lower your energy bill. Read on for tips!

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It’s all light: a guide to getting better sleep with lighting

woman sleeping peacefully in the dark in her bed.
A good night’s rest can enhance your mental and physical state.

Getting better sleep. We all know that we need it, but do you know exactly why? Sleep is an altered state of consciousness in which we have minimal interactions with our surroundings and environmental stimuli. It might seem counter-intuitive, but our brains are quite active during sleep, carrying out a wide range of crucial functions.

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Pet safety: Summer fun with your furry friends

woman and golden retriever running down the beach
Spend some time enjoying the beautiful summer days with your best furry friend.

As the days get longer and the weather warmer, it’s easy to get excited about all the fun activities to explore throughout the summer months! With many restrictions lifted, there are more and more opportunities to get out compared to last year. As we are sure is true for many of you, spending time outdoors or on the road with your furry best friend sounds incredible. So, as you ditch your jeans for shorts and coats for swimsuits, here are ways to enjoy the season and keep your pets safe in the summer.

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pool safety best practices for a fun summer

Pool with 2 life preserver rings and summer pool safety text

Enjoying the cool splash of a swimming pool is one of the best feelings one could have during a heat wave, especially in the summer season. But the pleasure of the swimming pool comes with risks. To ensure your safety and the safety of the people around you, check out our tips and pool safety best practices for a fun summer.

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