Category Archives: Homeowners

DIY: Building Your Backyard Fire Pit

Autumn is in full swing and there are so many incredible changes happening. The kids are back to school, football is on TV, the leaves are changing color and you get to enjoy the crisp, cool air of the season. With everyone’s schedule jam-packed, the weekends become more meaningful when the entire family can get together. With the great weather outside, you don’t want to get caught sitting on the couch. Why not spend a night with the family sitting by the fire? Don’t have a fire pit? Good thing they’re cheap and easy to build! Here’s how you can build one by yourself: Continue reading

Improving The Energy Efficiency of Your Home

Unfortunately, many homes, especially the older ones, were not built with energy efficiency in mind. Today, however, more and more people are becoming aware of just how much damage we are causing to the environment by being careless with electricity and heating, and just how much could be saved by living in an energy efficient house.  This interesting infographic  shows just how much we energy we can save by optimizing our household for energy efficiency.

A truly energy efficient home will not only reduce unnecessary energy consumption, but will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide significant savings.  The good news is, if you are living in a home that is not up to date with the latest energy saving features, there are a few things you can do yourself without having to spend a great deal of money:

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Protecting your Home against Fall Pests

With fall around the corner, you are happily saying goodbye to the bugs of summer, but don’t be fooled: there are still plenty of creepers sticking around for fall.

One of your top priorities at the beginning of the new season should be insect and rodent control. As the temperatures change, pests will be looking to migrate to warmer temperatures. The last thing you want is for these tiny creatures to find their way into the confines of your home. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent these unwanted guests without emptying your bank account. Here are a few tips for keeping falls pests out of your home. Continue reading

Back-to-School Home Organization Tips

Image: Karp Associates Inc.:

The start of the new school year can be a busy and hectic time in your home, rushing to get the kids ready for school and yourself for the workday. Wouldn’t it be nice if your weekdays didn’t feel like such a rush? Fortunately, they don’t have to be. With your schedule filling up with work, school, and extracurricular activities, having a neat, organized home will help take away the stress of your busy weekdays. Here are few areas of your home that can be organized in easy, cost-effective way to keep the house in order during the school year. Continue reading

New Data Finds Homeowners Struggle When Selling, Despite Hot Market

Twelve days before Thanksgiving, Mark Meaney and his wife, Sue, decided to put their 109-year-old house on the market. They looked at comps of similar-sized homes near their St. Paul neighborhood, agreed on a price with their agent and waited anxiously for their first offer to roll in. Continue reading

Ways to Add Value to Your Home on a Budget

It’s no secret every homeowner eventually wants to add value to their home. Not only does it boost the resale price, but it can create a more inviting and cozy space. When you stop and think about a home renovation, an overwhelming wave of stress overcomes you because all you can think about is the price tag. Well you’re in luck; adding value to your home doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

One good option to pay for your home updates would be to take out a low-rate personal loan. Since the duration of a personal loan is anywhere from 3 to 7 years, compared to a home equity loan which ranges from 20 to 30 years, you’ll end up paying way less in interest. Another alternative would be to apply for a 0% interest credit card to finance some of the smaller projects. Be wary, as it can be very easy to overspend when using a credit card. Set up automatic payments each month to chip away at the balance.

We’re not here to talk about a $40,000 kitchen remodel. Most people don’t have that kind of cash laying around. There are many inexpensive projects you can do around your home that will boost the financial worth of your home. Expect to spend around $300-$3,000 to complete some decent projects. Here are some great ideas for how to increase the value of your home at a smaller cost: Continue reading

How to Give Your Home a “Smart” Financial Stress Test

Do you ever feel like your money is literally flying out the window? Parents have ribbed their kids about turning off the lights and closing the door for as long as there have been homes, but there’s quite a bit of truth behind one of the most common household pet peeves. Wasted utilities can be a monetary black hole in the budget of any family, and in many cases, the ways we’re wasteful aren’t always immediately obvious.

Thankfully, today’s smart home technology can enable every family to do some smart snooping for inefficient habits, and set up intelligent scheduling to keep a home comfortable while minimizing costs. Here’s some helpful advice to consider: Continue reading

6 Affordable Home Renovations for Your Pet

It is estimated that over half of people internationally have a pet living with them, and statistics show pet ownership steadily rising every year. With so many people welcoming pets into their families, it stands to reason a pet’s specific needs would eventually make its way into home design. But, while some people go all-out building over-the-top pet palaces, the best design schemes marry a pet’s comfort with their human’s convenience without busting the budget. Here are six affordable home renovations for your pet that are stylish, functional and won’t cost you an arm and four legs Continue reading