Tag Archives: rentals

What to Remember When Renting Out Your Home

A house made of $100 bills on top of a rental contract.

Property rental can be a very lucrative business. Sometimes, it’s better to rent out your home instead of selling it. If you’ve acquired a new property and you’re planning to rent out your current home, there are many things to consider.

Although renting out your home can bring good profit, it can also be complicated. If you don’t handle it well, you’ll have plenty of headaches to deal with. To avoid stressful issues when renting out your home, read on for a few tips!

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Pros and Cons of Owning Multiple Rental Properties

Being a rental property owner is something many strive for in their lives. This is because much of the time, owning a rental home is a great investment. The responsibility that goes along with it is great as well, though. Owning multiple rental properties only ups the stakes. As with anything else, there are a lot of disadvantages as well as advantages. Let’s go through some.

The advantages of owning multiple rental properties

Having multiple rental properties has plenty of upsides. Looking at the positive side of things first will hopefully make you see that the flaws aren’t that bad.

It’s always good to have a passive income

If you own multiple rental properties and are able to keep them occupied, not only will you have a steady and secure amount in your bank account, but you’ll also have a passive income. This is certainly always welcome.

A possible business opportunity

A great thing about owning multiple rental properties is that you don’t have to sell only to tenants who are looking for housing. If your property is in a desirable location, you could always rent it out to business owners. This could be a great investment opportunity.

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Six Ways to Create Wow-Factor Rentals

Most investors are interested in improving the value of their asset over time. Investors typically seek both capital growth – I.e. turning a profit when they want to sell – but also maximum rental yield and minimum vacancy whilst holding the asset. The best way to do this is to create maximum appeal for prospective renters in the area.

But this can be tough to do, especially in suburbs or cities that are flat, facing oversupply (too much choice for renters, which pushes rent rates down), or perhaps aren’t offering the property type that rental seekers are looking for in that area.

Many different home improvements can be made to the property to increase its appeal and functionality to renters. Today the team at Property Correspondent offer up some innovative ideas to make your property stand out from the pack in pursuit of the best quality tenants looking in your area.

Houses – Install a New Garage Door

This is a big one. Older garages often appear tired to renters and older garage doors often lack the security level needed to protect the tenants’ vehicles being stored. Garages and sheds should be in good condition to allow the home to look maintained. The garage door is one of the main features on buildings that influence the aesthetics of the home and the good news is there are many tools available to design your own shed or garage.

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