Tag Archives: retirement planning

Income-Generating Retirement: How Real Estate Investments Can Secure Your Future

A man stacking coins next to a small house, symbolizing how real estate investments are a great vehicle for generating retirement income.

Facing retirement can bring a mix of feelings and a big question mark about money. When the cash from work stops flowing and the money saved up is not looking as strong as hoped, finding a way to keep the bank account happy becomes key.

Real estate can be a wise choice for those looking to boost their income, especially during retirement. It is not just about trading properties; it is a pathway to a more secure and comfortable life after work. This guide will walk you through the essentials of making clever real estate investments that could significantly benefit your retirement years.

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Downsizing and Investment Strategies for Retirement

By: Frances Black

Two retirees who are choosing to downsize in retirement.

Downsizing from your current home can make a lot of sense for retirees — or even older people still in the workforce. Most real estate accrues over the long run — the Great Recession notwithstanding. Provided you can find a reasonably priced replacement property and a good mortgage rate, residential sales can unlock capital that in later years can help fend off that most morbid of retirement bugaboos: longevity risk.

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What to Consider When Moving For Retirement

Usually, the only thing you’d think about when moving is location, location, location. However, when you’re moving for retirement, it’s never the same thing – you have to consider several factors because things will never be the same once you retire. For one, you won’t be earning the same money you usually earn from a regular day job. This means that when you retire, you should be keen on your expenses. Healthcare will also become a necessity during this phase of your life. To ensure that your move during retirement will become beneficial to you in the long run, consider these questions:

 How much is your monthly budget?

This is probably one of the most important things to consider when you’re planning to move for retirement. For you to have a successful retirement, you should have an idea of how much are you willing to spend on it. You can budget for retirement by looking into your monthly expenses. Determine how much you’re spending for mortgage payments, car payments, and other recurring bills. You should also keep track of how much are you spending on leisure activities such as dining out, groceries and shopping. If you need assistance in doing all of these, you can use a mobile app (there are a handful of apps online) or hire a financial advisor. All of these can help you in your budgeting, especially if you don’t have any idea of how to do it. After considering your expenses, take note of all the possible sources of income every month. Once you have these numbers, it’ll be easy for you to come up with a monthly budget which is suitable for your needs and wants.

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