Tag Archives: budget tips

Cost-Effective Entertaining Tips

A group getting together in the kitchen, one of the most cost-effective entertaining options.

Entertaining is a rite of passage for any household in the spring and summertime. Between the official holidays and the nights you simply want to relax with friends and family, throwing a party can get a little pricey. If you’re hoping to make the most of the warmer weather this year without breaking the bank, here are some cost-effective entertaining tips to get you through the planning process.

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Budget Friendly Tips to Keep Your Home Cool During the Summer

Living comfortably during summer doesn’t have to be expensive. There are various ways to protect yourself from high temperatures without having to break the bank. Read below for tips that will help you cool your home and save money while doing it.

1. Keep the sun away from your home

While windows keep your home well ventilated, they also let sunlight inside which raises temperatures inside your rooms. Use blackout curtains and shades to block the sun from streaming into your home.  Placing plants in front of your window and using tainted windows can also be a useful way of keeping the sun away.

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