Realty Executives Integrity

Serving Southeastern Wisconsin

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Realty Executives Integrity



Launch Your Business: Roundbox Coaching

(Published on - 9/4/2018 3:46:18 PM)

Too many coaching programs try to squeeze you into a box...and when you don't fit their mold, you end up burned out, feeling like a failure. The fact is, you need room to be YOU. That's why RoundBox was created.

When you have a clear plan that is custom made around YOUR own gifts and strengths, and you stay consistent with that plan, you WILL SUCCEED. When you're a part of RoundBox, you will not only have a clear plan, but you will also have the tools and systems to stay consistent so you can build a predictable business that you genuinely LOVE! It's a simple, yet profound principle that is proven to work year after year.

What do you get when you sign up?

  • A 52-video On-Demand training series
  • 12 group coaching session calls
  • A one hour one-on-one with the course instructor
  • Access to a private Facebook community 

Sign up, and see how Roundbox transforms your business!

Looking for even more info? Click HERE!

Neil Mathweg, the founder and creater of RoundBox coaching, created an awesome and entertaining podcast for agents. Click Here to visit the 'Onion Juice Podcast'

To ask more questions or to sign up for RoundBox coaching, contact Claire Zastrow|Chief Operating Officer:

Launch Your Business: PrimeAgent Training

(Published on - 9/4/2018 3:45:47 PM)

One of the greatest benefits of joining Realty Executives Integrity is the proprietary technology platform designed, created, and owned exclusively by Realty Executives International: PrimeAgent.

This tool provides incredible systems for your business which replace third-party technology that is much more costly and much less reliable. You will save hundreds of dollars for a package that is branded and customized to fit your business. This system also boasts a team platform for seamlessly marketing and promoting your team. Training is offered locally with small classes that allow for hands-on learning, and also internationally with an extensive online education program that allows you to gain full mastery of the tools in the system to build your business with ease.

For more information or for help getting started, contact your office CME [Certified Marketing Executive].


Launch Your Business: Peak Producers Buffini Training

(Published on - 9/4/2018 3:45:17 PM)

What is this Peak Producers Buffini Training you hear about? It is an in-depth semester of high-level training led by Realty Executives leaders and centered upon Brian Buffini's philosophy of real estate.

This philosophy is focused upon building your referral base by establishing strong relationships of trust and creating advocates for your business. You would pay thousands of dollars to attend a class taught by Brian Buffini which he rarely conducts at this point in his life. Instead, we bring Brian's training TO YOU in the convenience of our Training Center!

Brian's training, coupled with the additional insight and instruction from leaders at Realty Executives-Wisconsin and the dynamics of the group taking the class,  makes this is a powerful opportunity. In exchange for your willingness to dedicate three months of weekly classes, which will blast your business to the highest level possible, we offer a scholarship program which covers your cost-in FULL!

For questions or more information, contact Claire Zastrow|Chief Operating Officer at - 262.369.8959



Launch Your Business: Mentoring

(Published on - 9/4/2018 3:44:45 PM)

Are you looking for a creative approach to building your brand? Here at Realty Executives Integrity we have a way! 

Are you looking for someone to help guide you financially? We have the help you need!

Are you considering building your own real estate team? We have done it and would love to show you how to do it right!

Are you looking for a veteran Realtor® to help guide you on your journey? We have a team of experts ready and willing to serve your business needs.

In truth, we have an expert for every business need you may have, and we are dedicated to providing that service to you in ways that will exceed your highest expectations. The central purpose of our support team is to serve you!

For more information or to set up your first appointment, contact: Dale Schaechterle|Broker/Owner/Regional Developer of REI

262.443.0103 |

"In the area of mentoring our Sales Executives, we have an experienced support team that will walk your real estate journey with you every step of the way. Our focus is YOU and we will help you create a business plan that allows you to grow a strong business and fulfill your career dreams." - Dale 


Launch Your Business: Mastermind Groups

(Published on - 9/4/2018 3:43:09 PM)

Author Napoleon Hill wrote a book in the 1920s in which he defined the term mastermind group as, "The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony."

Today, there are mastermind groups all over the work force, and we here at Realty Executives Integrity offer groups to do just that. No matter if you are new to the business, or a long-term veteran of real estate, we have a Mastermind Group for you! Meeting on a regular basis, and convenient to each of our office locations, our Mastermind Groups are designed to serve our Sales Executives well, to create camaraderie, and to help take your business to new heights. The small group setting enhances conversation, allows for questions, and provides an environment ideal for personal and professional development. 

Mastermind Groups are held at each of the following locations:

  • Brookfield 
  • Lake Country
  • Franklin
  • Northshore

There are numerous beneficial reasons to join one of our Mastermind Groups here, and writer Ken Corsini breaks it down best when he discuses the top 5 reasons to join from his own experience.

1. Education

'One of the key takeaways from any mastermind group are new insights and knowledge in areas you may not know or have experience in. There are approxpertise.'

2. Advisement

'One of the big roles that a mastermind can play in your business is simply by giving advice on a problem you may be having or a challenge that you’re facing. Other times, it can simply help you to grow your business to the next level. Who better to give this kind of advice? You are surrounded by a roomful of other experienced, successful members in the same industry who have likely faced the exact same challenges.'

3. Collaboration

'I didn’t realize at first what a wealth of opportunity is created by putting so many successful real estate investors together...Many successful joint ventures have come out of our mastermind that would not have happened had it not been for this group.'

4. Networking

'I think it goes without saying that when you put a number of real estate professionals together in one room, you have the added benefit of an instant network of people and resources. Not only is the network of people in the room an amazing start, but the number of outside introductions that can be made from the people in the group. '

5. Growth and Change

'Ultimately, the reason to join a mastermind is to affect you and your business in a positive way. Over two short years, I’ve watched countless people in my group grow their businesses exponentially as a direct result of being in the group. Not only have many of us increased our revenues and the number of deals we are doing, many of us have made significant changes in how we run our businesses that have made us more profitable. From systems to strategies, the collective knowledge inherent in a mastermind group will almost always produce growth and change in every member’s business.'

To read the full blog click HERE

Reach out to Adam Zastrow with any questions or inquiries about joining a Mastermind Group - | 608-498-0994

 "Mastermind groups offer a combination of brainstorming, education, peer accountability, and support in a group setting to sharpen one another's business and personal skills. Participants challenge each other to set powerful goals, and more importantly, to accomplish them. Best practices are shared and success stories are applauded. Problems are solved through peer brainstorming and collective, creative thinking. The group requires a willingness to both give and receive advice and ideas. Mastermind group members act as catalysts for growth and supportive colleagues. This is the essence and value of mastermind groups."--Adam Zastrow



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Disclaimer: Each office independently owned and operated. Please disregard this message if you are already under contract with another real estate professional.