Realty Executives Midwest

Serving Darien, IL

Realty Executives Midwest


Surprising Spring Cleaning Tips

(Published on - 3/25/2018 3:49:35 PM)

Not all seasonal celebrations are holidays. In spring we have an opportunity to throw open our windows and doors and refresh our homes after long winter months. Spring cleaning is one of those rituals which can invigorate our senses and deliver a deep sense of satisfaction.

There are lots of good resources out there for spring cleaning. Consider “Spring Cleaning: A Complete Checklist”  for a comprehensive look at the tasks you can tackle. There’s also “Expert Advice: Editors’ Top 23 Cleaning Tips” which gives you the practical ins-and-outs of using all-natural cleaning solutions.

But there are also areas frequently ignored or overlooked by homeowners, and these are some of the most germ-laden places you’ll find. Before you finish your spring cleaning, be sure to consider these areas:

  1. Doorknobs: When was the last time you disinfected your doorknobs? The interior bathroom doorknob is an especially grave offender. When people are sick, have been cooking, or return home from the world, they’re going to be grabbing the knob. Disinfect these the same way you would any high-risk surface, like a countertop or toilet.
  1. Pillows: Can you even remember the last time you washed your pillows? Think about this before you plow face down for a night’s rest. Most pillows are perfectly fine to run through a gentle cycle in the washer and even a low tumble in the dryer. Naturally, you don’t want to become obsessive about this or you’ll destroy the pillow, but do take the time to wash or replace your pillows. A pillow case can only filter so much.
  1. Personal Devices: The screen of your smartphone is one of the most touched objects in your universe. Have you taken the time lately to disinfect it? There’s a good guide to the process in Greenbot . The same goes for your computer or laptop keyboard! Check out this piece from Popular Science .
  1. Remote Controls: This is a special category of nasty, because everyone in the house uses remote controls, and they often do so while snacking on sugary or salty food. Here’s a primer to guide you.

Keep it clean and healthy this spring! Questions or comments? Get in touch:

Realty Executives Midwest
1310 Plainfield Rd. Ste 2 | Darien, IL 60561
Office: 630-969-8880



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