Serving Wisconsin



Alexa Lee | Realty Executives Cooper Spransy

(Published on - 9/5/2019 2:14:51 PM)

Transaction Manager, Alexa Lee, has seen the proof that a career at Realty Executives is more than just a place to earn a paycheck. Hear about her journey in different roles at Realty Executives Cooper Spransy and why she can't imagine working for any other company. 

How To Host a Successful Open House to Gain Prospects

(Published on - 9/3/2019 5:11:32 PM)

To hold an open house or not to hold an open house? The debate has raged on for years, with many agents abandoning the practice altogether. However, as many top earners will attest, the value of a real estate open hosue is tremendous.

Even if you don’t sell a property the day of your open house, it’s not a waste of time. An open house offers you the chance to interact directly and demonstrate your skills to potential buyers and sellers, who ultimately could turn into clients or refer you to other clients. Just make sure you abide by the following rules when you plan your first and subsequent open houses.

Keep Clients’ Expectations in Check
Historically, the sales probability for open houses is relatively low, so make that known. Still, be sure to tout the other benefits to your sellers. An open house encourages sellers to get their property show-ready, clean, decluttered and repaired as needed. That proves beneficial well after the open house date.

Additionally, open houses make it possible for many people to see the property in one day. Plus, they often lead to indirect sales, with people who are only there to browse recommending the property to someone else.

Most importantly is that open houses provide the seller with valuable feedback on the property about the price, condition, and more, from a wider audience. If participants do not make an offer, you can find out why by asking them directly or requesting that they fill out a survey. That information can help you and the sellers take actions to get the house sold more quickly.

Determine Which Properties to Showcase
Not all properties warrant an open house. As you plan which properties to market this way, stick to:

  • Rare or in-demand. If supply-and-demand is low in your area or you are representing a truly spectacular property, you’ll see foot traffic at an open house.
  • Attractive and well-maintained. In most cases, you want to highlight your nicest properties.
  • Located in highly appealing areas. Your most sought-after locations are more likely to draw people in. Beyond that, you want to make sure your open house is easy to find; otherwise, people won’t show up.

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Cait Berry | Realty Executives Cooper Spransy

(Published on - 8/27/2019 8:41:20 PM)

Executive Cait Berry has spent the last seven years in real estate, but thanks to her family's rich history and connection to Madison development, she possesses a lifetime of experience.

Easy Ways To Secure Your Home

(Published on - 8/22/2019 7:17:41 PM)

Feeling safe in your home is always the number one priority. Whether you are preparing to be on vacation, don’t want to worry while your out of the home or just want to deter visitors from snooping through personal belongings, there are plenty of easy ways to secure your home for when you aren’t around. Check out these tips below and let the worry disappear.

 1. Alarm Cabinet

Maybe you’re having a party or company is staying with you from out of town. We all have those nosey houseguests that may go through cabinets or drawers, but an easy way to deter them is having cabinet alarms. This way the spaces will be locked and only accessible to the homeowner. This is also a great way to keep kids away from anything dangerous under sinks or in bathroom vanities. 

2. Break Down Cardboard

In the days of online ordering, many entryways are filled with large boxes. Although some may be small, these boxes can draw attention and advertise that you have brand new items in your home like TVs or technology systems. If you break down the boxes and place them in the back of your vehicle or a covered bin, potential burglars will be less inclined to visit your home because there isn’t an obvious sign of anything new or expensive.

3. Beware of Dog

You don’t need a dog to put out a “beware of dog” sign. These signs could simply be used to make intruders think twice before entering the home. A home with a dog is a much higher risk for burglars as they will be easily detected and could be attacked.

4. Reinforce Your Window Locks

Making sure your windows are locked is essential if traveling out of town but also in everyday life. Windows on the first floor are especially easy access points for breaking and entering. Check your locks and to further prevent break-ins, put a dowel rod on the inside of the window slide. This helps ensure that if anyone would try to enter through the window, it won’t be able to open no matter if the lock is latched or not.

Overall, you can never be too careful when it comes to protecting your home. Expensive security alarms or cameras are always an option but if you are looking for more affordable, faster and easier ways, try out these methods.


Toni Tucci | Realty Executives Cooper Spransy

(Published on - 8/20/2019 4:45:53 PM)

Tony Tucci has been at Realty Executives Cooper Spransy for over 13 years. What keeps him motivated? He considers his work a daily opportunity to sharpen his character and grow.



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