Serving Wisconsin



Energy Saving Kitchen Appliances

(Published on - 9/26/2019 3:09:05 PM)

We’re always trying to support green living, and one of the easiest ways to conserve energy is by ensuring your home appliances are energy-efficient. Energy-efficient appliances  can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower your utility bills, use less water and electricity, and overall lead to a cozier, happier, cleaner living space. Here’s how you can ensure that your kitchen appliances are energy-efficient and what to look out for when replacing your current appliances. 

Replacing and Recycling Your Appliances

Of course, you shouldn’t get rid of all of your kitchen appliances if they currently work completely fine. But when it comes time to replace them, here’s what you need to know. First, you should make sure you appropriately recycle your old appliances so that you retire models that aren’t energy efficient, instead of donating them and further contributing to the cycle of greenhouse gas emissions and inefficient energy consumption. You can find an appropriate local recycling site where you can drop off your old appliances (or chances are, they can pick them up for you). Check out the Environmental Protection Agency’s responsible appliance disposal guide here.

Once you’re ready to replace your appliances, make energy-efficient models a priority. They may be more of an investment upfront, but down the line you’ll see lower utility bills (and you’ll be helping the environment in the process).

Energy Star

When the time comes to replace your kitchen appliances for ones that are worth the investment, be sure to look out for the Energy Star label. Energy Star is a voluntary label program aimed at helping consumers find the most energy-efficient products that help protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Products labeled with Energy Star meet or exceed the guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, but not all are created equally, so be sure to compare models that are Energy Star-approved.  


Areal Guenther | Realty Executives Cooper Spransy

(Published on - 9/24/2019 2:34:11 PM)

From part-time agent to full-time Executive, Areal Guenther found her path to helping others. Hear more about her relationship with Realty Executives and the charitable organization, Before 16.

The Secret to Better Email Engagement

(Published on - 9/19/2019 2:54:49 PM)

Have you ever gotten an email and thought, “I have absolutely NO idea who this person/company is? How did I even get on their list?

I think we’ve all been there at one time or another. We sign up for things or fill out a little form asking for our email address, and then we forget about them within seconds. Months later, we see an email from someone and wonder where in the world it came from.

In an ideal world, this would never, ever happen to anyone on your email list. And there is a very simple strategy you can apply to your email marketing that will significantly lower the chances of this happening. I’m going to give you all the details on it in this article.

But, no matter how hard we try, it WILL happen at some point; it’s unavoidable. Someone will forget how they got onto your list. The good news is our strategy for lowering the odds of them forgetting will also help you turn the most skeptical email subscriber who can’t remember you into a raving fan (and client). That’s what we call a win-win.

I recently received an email from a real estate agent, and I had this exact reaction we’re talking about here. I couldn’t remember who in the world she was, and I had absolutely no clue how I got onto her list. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

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Tips To Overcome The Emotion Of Selling Your Home

(Published on - 9/17/2019 4:47:14 PM)

Your home is full of lingering memories. You can literally feel the moments as you walk through the hallways, and they all speak to you. The cackling laughter of kids at your son’s first birthday bash, your daughter racing in to tell you she got accepted into college, your sister’s wedding preparations, your husband’s first job promotion celebration. This house has become more than a simple living space; it holds your precious memories. And this is why it feels so hard to let go.

This article takes you from the point where you are completely confused about how to emotionally detach from the house you’re putting up for sale to the point where you are simply ready to let go, and move to your new adventure.

Dealing with Intense Emotional Components of a House Sale

Here are a few tips to handle the emotional components of parting with your beloved house:

1. Get Started Early

So much adrenaline rushes through your body whenever you think of having to go through with a house sale. You may feel so scared so you keep putting it off till next week, and then the week after that. Ever heard of the saying: the only way to get over something, is to go through it? Can the process be stressful? Yes. But if you don’t start, you will never get to the other side where you are free of emotional attachment. Starting early gives you time to go through all the moments, enjoy every scent, reminisce and simply come out an emotionally richer person.  

2. Build an Emotional Connection with Your Next Home

Your next home will be the place to forge new memories. It would be nice if you started connecting it with super sweet, inspiring thoughts and memories, even before you move out of your old house. This way, you prepare your mind mentally to let go of the old and allow the new take firm hold on your mind.

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5 Keys to Better Lead Nurture and Follow Up

(Published on - 9/12/2019 6:16:41 PM)

It’s becoming more and more difficult each day to grab the attention of buyers and sellers. They’re being pitched 24/7 and have their guard up for anyone trying to get a quick sale. This means flashy posts, generic email blasts, and clever gimmicks are spotted miles away. Your prospects and clients have heard and seen it all.

Because people naturally have their guard up, your job as an agent is to provide value and earn their trust. They want to know their best interests are top of mind for you. Are you reliable? Are you informed? Are you likeable? Are you someone they can envision working with? One of the best ways to do this is to nurture the relationship through emails over time.

Lead nurturing emails get 4-10 times the response rate compared to standalone email blasts. Just let that sink in for a moment. That’s a huge boost in conversion rate! The key word here is nurture, where you care for and encourage the growth and development of a relationship. Generic email blasts aren’t personal to the recipient, feel salesy, and definitely don’t give your audience the warm fuzzies.

Your goal should be to build authority, establish trust, and help your potential clients see you as the one they can’t possibly imagine NOT working with. So how do you nurture your email list?

1. Make it Personal

Avoid making emails feel like they were written to a crowd. When you create a new email, write as if you’re writing to one specific person. Not to five people. And definitely not to the whole world. Pretend like you’re writing an email to your best friend. That’s how personal you want your message to be (though keep it professional, of course). Emails are great for relationship building. They help your clients understand your brand and build an actual bond with you as an agent. So take advantage of that! Write every email as if it’s someone you know directly, like, and respect!

When you send an email, use the name of the person at the beginning. All email marketing providers allow you to use merge tags to personalize and place client names where it seems fitting. This way you can send out a mass email, but each recipient still receives an email that is addressed to them.

Lastly, studies show that overly designed emails actually perform worse than emails that have minimal design. Why?Designed emails look like they are coming from a company and end up getting deleted. To keep emails feeling personal, don’t worry about creating a fancy email! Keep it simple and clean to enhance the personal feel.

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