Serving Wisconsin



Sneaky Things That Can Ruin Your Credit Score

(Published on - 8/14/2018 3:03:38 PM)

Did you know that it is easy to, unknowingly, damage your credit score?

According to a recent article by Kali Hawlk for Trulia, there are »5« credit score pitfalls to avoid. 

The first one is: 

Generating too many inquiries

'Shopping around before choosing an institution for a car loan can help you find the best rate—and that can translate into thousands of dollars in savings (if not more!) over your loan’s lifetime. But while you may be saving, it’s best to use moderation. Here’s why:

When you receive a quote on interest rates, lenders pull a hard inquiry that shows up on your credit report. If you request these inquiries over a period longer than 14 days, each quote shows up individually. When you’re comparison shopping for a loan, gather your quotes in a short period (ideally within two weeks). That way, your credit will take less of a hit.'

Want to learn all 5 credit score pitfalls to avoid? CLICK HERE!

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