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Realty Executives Oceanside



(Published on - 2/9/2023 5:59:02 PM)


Run a Facebook Live Stream

Imagine a buyer across town sees your listing, loves the layout, the price and the location but can’t make it to your open house. She may flag it for later review or even email you, but, soon, she’s off to the next page view and your listing blurs in with the rest.

Now imagine that same buyer sees the same house on your Facebook Live video. She wants to know how big the master closets are, so you walk her through the master suite in real time on a virtual tour. She books an appointment to see the house in person. After the open house, you post your video on your site for additional engagement, and you get two more offers.

A virtual open house is a game-changer, especially when you factor in weather, compressed sale durations and picky sellers who may be averse to hosting a flood of strangers into their home.


Tease with Video Email

If you’re not comfortable with a live stream or you don’t have a big social following, you can still capture buyers’ attention with a video that you pre-record and directly embed into emails sent out prior to the open house. A video featuring a short tour of the house creates an inviting way to pre-sell your prospects on the best attributes of the house.


Capture Leads with a Digital Sign-In

Have you ever received a hot lead only to find out you missed the phone number or email due to a prospect’s sloppy handwriting on the open house sign-in sheet? Create a great first impression by using a digital sign-in sheet on a tablet or laptop. Inform your guests that they’ll receive email updates on the property when they sign into your event. Or team up with a local coffee shop and offer free coupons for those who sign-in.


Time It to Drive Traffic

Veteran agents and brokers know that a crowded open house only stirs a sense of urgency among buyers. One great way to drive traffic is to make the listing active on a Thursday, block all showings Thursday and Friday, then host your open house on Saturday.


Virtually Stage Every Room

Several apps allow virtual staging of the home’s interior in a variety of décor styles. If a home buyer can visualize the space in a décor style more in line with their wants and needs, they’re more inclined to engage.

After the guests leave, email the images that resonated most. Even if you offer digital staging options, you might also print out old-school floor plans of each room with measurements to help buyers envision their furniture placement.


Get an Exclusive as a Premier Agent

By claiming a property listing on Zillow, you can include details about your real estate open house for free and engage with millions of home shoppers on the largest real estate network on the Internet. Zillow Premier Agents appear as the exclusive agent for the listing.


Create a Single Property Website

Remember, most open house attendees are visiting several houses, making the recall of each property’s features and location a bit of a memory game. To help your listing stand out from the crowd, create a single property website with multiple photos of the house. Then, hand each guest a flier with a short URL link or QR code linking to the site once they leave the house.


Open houses can be a great way to market yourself and the home you are showing so make sure to reach as many consumers as possible using these digital marketing tips!


(Published on - 1/17/2023 3:17:25 PM)


There are many reasons why people decide to sell their property. One of the most common ones is, of course, profit, or the lack of it. You might have spotted a chance in the market to profit by selling your property, or you have simply realized that renting it will not bring you the kind of profit you’re looking for, so you naturally decide to sell it. Nevertheless, there are many other reasons why people opt for this decision.


Selling a rental property is an exciting adventure, but you need to do it right. This is precisely why our Realty Executives team has decided to share some valuable tips for selling a rental property, so let’s get into it.


Come up with a reasonable price

Without a doubt, profit is the most important thing to any seller. The price you set will determine how much profit you’ll make. However, setting a price is very complicated. You need to consider many factors. For example, setting a price too high will make it more difficult to sell. Incorrect pricing can result in a longer time on market or offers below your asking price.

On the other hand, pricing it too low could lead to a quick sale, but you could wonder if you made as much profit as you should. Therefore, it’s essential to study your market and do some comparative analysis. That will help you find a middle ground and set a reasonable price that’s appealing to both you and the buyers. Working with an experienced agent is essential when it comes to figuring out a competitive sale price.


Prepare your property for the market

This is complex and probably one of the most time-consuming tasks in the sales process. Staging is an integral part of the real estate world. So, you can’t avoid this if you want a successful sale. Staged properties will undoubtedly sell much quicker than empty or highly personalized ones because you are helping buyers envision themselves in the space. Your property simply needs to appeal to future buyers. Otherwise, they’ll look elsewhere. How much work there is to do will depend on the unit’s size and the land’s size. But bear in mind that there are some upgrades to avoid when selling certain properties.


The importance of good photography

Once your property is staged, it won’t account for much if you don’t take good photos of it. Once again, make it appealing to potential buyers. Photography is an art, so if you want to do it right, you might want to hire professionals. Indoor photos are crucial because the interior is often what buyers look at the most. Consider arranging the furniture in an appealing way prior to photos.

Also, if some pieces of furniture are not in good condition, you should probably get some new ones. If you do, make sure to look for a skilled team that will expertly transfer the furniture from one place to another. Preparing your property for sale is simply too important a step to neglect. Therefore, make sure to do it right.


Boost your income prospects and minimize the expenses

Two essential tips for selling a rental property are maximizing the income prospects and, naturally, lowering the expenses as much as possible. The challenge is to do this without jeopardizing the appeal and quality of your property.

There are specific ways to add value to your home without breaking a budget. This also works well with minimizing the expenses because you won’t spend much. Improving your kitchen or bathroom is one of the first things that come to mind. Increasing the curb appeal of your property is also important. You can do all of this without significant expense. And, as far as the costs are concerned, you can get affordable modern appliances for your property that will lower the operational cost and, at the same time, make the property appealing to buyers.



Study your market

Understanding the market is crucial when dealing with real estate in any way. While we’re sure you’re familiar with some aspects of your market and how it works, it won’t hurt to learn an extra thing or two. Keep this in mind when studying the market:

  • Is the economy stable in the area, and what is the unemployment rate? (Bad economy lowers the prospects of your profit)
  • Is now a good time to sell? (Depending on if the rental prices are going up or not)
  • How many houses in the area are for sale? (Fewer houses lead to a quicker sale)


Connect with advisors who understand the process

Everything in life is much easier when experts in a particular field are helping you out. Their services will often cost money, so prepare for some expense. However, this is a vital process, and you should do everything in your power to avoid risks. Gather a team of professionals around you. Research legal advisors to consult and hire one of the best local real estate agents to boost the chances of a successful sale.


Final thoughts on selling your rental property

Even if your market is good for sellers, you won’t maximize the profit by neglecting some of these tips for selling a rental property. Make sure to devote enough of your time and attention during this period. If you put in the necessary effort, we have no doubts that your sale will be a success for both you and the buyers. Good luck!

How To Know If You've Found The Right House

(Published on - 12/13/2022 7:53:11 PM)


When trying to find the perfect living place for you and your family, asking an expert can be helpful. However, you must consider other factors to ensure you’ve found the right home for your lifestyle. Whether you are looking for your first home, considering making a move, or planning to stay in place and remodel, here are a few indicators to let you know you have found “the one.”


It just feels right.

A couple taking a moment to celebrate for finding the right home.

You may experience a familiar feeling when you enter a new house, and you don’t know why. Well, this might be an indicator that this house might be the perfect home for your family. If you are walking into the space while imagining where everything will fit and decorating it in your mind comes naturally, then this is a good sign.


You’ve found the right house if it covers all your needs.

When choosing to relocate, you will probably have many questions for your movers. However, experts will quickly clear up any doubts and questions about the move. The same goes for the perfect home. You need to ask questions and think of your needs. Maybe you need a place closer to work, or perhaps you expect a new family member and thus need an extra room for the nursery. A laundry room and garage would make your life easier. Whatever it is, the property you find needs to have it. Therefore, when you start your house hunt, ask yourself about your wants and needs, make a list of them, and stick to them when viewing properties. If a property you find has all of them, you will know you’ve found the right house.


You feel excited.

A large lawn that would help someone believe they found the right home.

Whether the lawn you always dreamed of as a kid is right in front of you or the aesthetic of the house makes you feel excited, it’s a good sign. It is a blessing whenever you get a little extra beyond your needs.

At the same time, no matter how perfect a house can seem on paper, if it has the wrong vibe when you enter it, don’t buy it. Listening to your gut feeling might help you avoid buyer’s remorse.


It can be a good investment.

There are many reasons one might choose to sell their home and move to a new one. Maybe you got a new job, inherited a property, or need to downsize. And while it might feel strange to sell a house you haven’t even moved into yet, the future is always unclear, and it is wise to look ahead just in case. Examining if you can later resell the home you are interested in at a better price might mean it’s a good investment even if you are required to move again in the future.


It doesn’t have issues.

A new home that doesn't appear to have any structural issues.

You found the right house, it feels right, covers all your requirements, and if the need arises, it can be sold again with minimum loss or for profit. The only thing left is to check if the house is in good condition. First, check out all the vital components of the house, like the roof, the walls, heating and cooling systems, plumbing, and the electrical system. There shouldn’t be any damage. Also, check if the windows are in good condition and open easily. Examine the surrounding area to see if there are potential hazards such as floods. If everything seems in order, you might have found the house of your dreams.



As you can see, it’s easy to know when you’ve found the right house. You just need to pay attention to some details and listen to your gut feeling. In the end, we hope this article helped you in your search and wish you the best in your new dream property.


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Adding a Pet to Your Home

(Published on - 11/14/2022 4:09:47 PM)



Adding a pet to your home and family can be an exciting and stressful task! There are many factors to consider:  the type of pet to choose, the space available inside and outside of your home, the time available in your schedule, etc.  In this article, we’ll review some tips to help you bring home your new pet and successfully incorporate it into your living space.


Preparing for a New Pet

Before purchasing or adopting a pet, there are a few things to consider.


How Much Space Do You Have to Work With?

To make sure that you can provide your new pet with a quality life, you first need to assess the space available for it. For example, a large home with an ample backyard can accommodate different pets compared to a small home or apartment.  There are pet options for all sizes of homes!


Consider both your indoor and outdoor space, and the types and sizes of animals that could exist happily in those areas.  Will your pet need their own dedicated space, or will they roam freely and share space with you? Make sure that the pet of your choosing can coexist in your home and has an appropriate amount of space.


How Much Time Do You Have?

Making space for pets in your home is a starting point, but you will also need to make time to care for your pets.

Some animals require less attention and maintenance, meaning they could be good options for families that are constantly on-the-go. For example, a fish needs daily food and regular tank cleanings, but those tasks are far less demanding than a dog who needs daily feeding, exercise, water, and the occasional grooming, veterinary check-ups, etc.


Review your schedule to see how much time you have available to dedicate to a pet. Your lifestyle will play a big part! If you are a jetsetter or someone who works long hours, you may have less time to spend with your pets than someone who works from home or is retired. Think about partners and children who could potentially help with care, and if it is a realistic option. 


Remember Activity Levels

When selecting a pet, many people focus on the size and type of their pet- especially as it relates to space and time referenced above.  However, many fail to think about the activity level of a pet.  Both age and the type of pet are factors in activity level, and it is important that you are prepared.


A family introducing a new pet to their home.


For example, if your heart is set on a puppy, that puppy is going to have a much higher energy level than a senior dog.  Exercise and play will be key as it will take some years for the dog to mature.  Senior dogs, on the other hand, may be more interested in sleep and relaxation than playtime. Make sure that you are prepared to meet the energy level and activity demands of your new pet.


Even small pets have routines that may or may not work for your family.  For example, a hamster or gerbil demands less care and attention that other types of pets, and their homes take up little space.  However, these animals are nocturnal. While they may be sedentary during the day, you could hear that hamster wheel spinning all night!


Creating Spaces for Your Pet

Once you have decided on a pet, you can begin to create some special spaces within your home.


Utilize the Space Under Your Stairs

New pets can come with a lot of supplies!  One great way to utilize the space in your home is to add bins, shelving, and other types of storage under your stairs.


Use the freshly created storage area to organize things like food, collars, leashes, treats, and toys. Consider alternating the colors of the bins or the height of the shelves to make it look visually appealing.  In addition to providing storage for your pet’s things, it can also contribute to the aesthetic of your home!


If you would prefer to utilize furniture rather than install shelves or cabinets, consider repurposing a TV stand or dresser. A television stand with cabinets or a multi-bin dresser has great storage space to keep your pet’s items tucked neatly out of sight.


You can also use the space under the stairs to place a bed, litter box, or food bowl for your pet to access.


Hollow Out a Side Table

Another great way to create space for your pet is to hollow out a side table. You likely already have one beside your bed or your couch, so use it!


If there is a door attached, take it off, sand anything that needs smoothed down, and add some bedding and a toy. This could be the perfect resting spot for a dog, cat, or other small animal. The same process works for small cages as well if there is proper ventilation and light.


Don’t want to mess with your existing furniture? Consider buying something new.  Many retailers are now offering crate-style furniture that for various rooms in the home. 


Think Vertically

If you are short on floorspace, get creative when it comes to using walls and the height of a room! For example, instead of putting a cat bed on the floor, consider hanging a basket near a window for nap with a view.  You could also install narrow walkways near the ceiling for small, nimble pets to travel from room to room. For fish and reptiles, consider vertical tanks that can fit snugly in a corner.


Create Outdoor Safe Zones

Depending on your pet, you may need alter some of your outdoor spaces for safety reasons.  This often involves fencing or gating specific areas of the yard. One common strategy is to build a fence and gate on a side yard to create a play area or run. This may seem restrictive, but it doesn’t have to be your pet’s only outdoor access. This space allows pets to lounge when they are unsupervised- especially if your yard is unfenced or if there is concern about access to the pool.  Additionally, the fencing could be a way to keep smaller animals such as rabbits or chickens away from larger pets.


Some pets may also benefit from a cage or house to protect them from the weather or predators. Do your research to determine the appropriate size structure and materials for your pet’s outdoor home.

Regardless of your pet choice, your home will feel well-balanced when both you and your pet have the time and space you need to coexist. Enjoy incorporating your new pet into your life!



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7 Must Have Home Features

(Published on - 10/24/2022 2:26:51 PM)



If you have lived in your home for some time or are in search of a new home, you might be out of the loop on the latest features a home can include. From the newest technology to bonus rooms, we will cover a few must-have features to help you maximize convenience and increase your home value.


Smart Technology

Today’s modern home should come with some smart technology with it. This tech can make home living more convenient while keeping you safe.

A must-have home feature, smart technology, is operated from an iPad.

For example, a smart thermostat allows you to adjust or schedule temperature changes through your app. This feature can be convenient by keeping your AC at a higher temperature when you’re not home, then turning it on when you’re heading back to come home to a cool home. In addition, smart thermostats save energy, making the price worth it.


Another instance of smart technology is a home security system, letting you look through your home’s cameras at your convenience. Having this system can keep you safer compared to a base security setup.


Smart technology can also include your wall outlets, which can shut off when not in use. These outlets also come with USB slots, making charging small electronics more accessible.


You can also consider smart appliances, from your fridge to your oven. These appliances can make kitchen work more straightforward and can often keep you up with the news. For instance, smart fridges might have a display that tells you the weather, or a digital grocery list.


Your home probably won’t have every piece of smart tech in existence, so think of the basics and go from there. You can always buy more.


A Spacious Laundry Room

Many homeowners are looking for a laundry room where the appliances can connect. However, most laundry rooms are small and built into another room. One must-have home feature the modern homeowner should pursue is a larger room that makes storing dirty clothes and folding clean ones easier.


If your home doesn’t have a room like this, don’t count it out yet. Homes that have a spacious basement could double as a larger laundry room. As long as you have an area where doing laundry can be more accessible, you’re golden.


A Heated Garage

A heated garage with an organized tool bench.

A garage is essential for a modern homeowner. It lets you store your vehicles and other belongings or act as a hobby room. However, many garages lack heating, which can be a problem. Even though a garage can be warmer than the outside, it can still damage cars and even invite cold air into your home, worsening your heating bill. Portable heaters are usually not powerful enough to warm the entire space, and can pose fire hazards.


A garage with heating built-in can be a valuable solution, keeping every part of your home warm during the winter.


Of course, this feature ultimately depends on the severity of your winters. For example, you might not need this if you live in an area known for its milder winters. However, if you expect plenty of snow, ensure your garage has some heating.


Sensor-Activated Exterior Lighting

Another must-have home feature your property needs is exterior lighting. This type of lighting can include walkway lights or spotlights in your yard. It also emphasizes your yard, making it the envy of everyone who passes by. Many of these lights can be solar-powered, so there is no additional expense on your electric bill.

Sensor-activated lights can come on automatically at night or when someone is walking toward them. Both can work well as security systems, making it easier to see a possible burglar. Well-lit homes are less likely to be targeted.


Walk-In Kitchen Pantry

A walk-in pantry, a must-have home feature.

Another feature that many homeowners should look for is a walk-in pantry. Although most people immediately think of a closet at the mention of walk-in, the pantry is another area that can benefit from additional space. The kitchen can become crowded, particularly if you’re a bulk buyer or have many appliances you use. We recommend storing larger appliances in the pantry to create counterspace. Additional, you can stash non-perishable food in case of an emergency. Overall, a pantry makes storage easier while avoiding clutter in and around your main cooking operations.


A Nice Patio

One feature many future homeowners look for is a suitable patio. The patio is the place where magic can happen. Think of family cookouts or having a deep conversation with your friends at midnight over a few drinks.

The size of the patio can depend on your needs and budget. If you don’t have a large patio, many come with conveniences to give you more room, including built-in fireplaces and grills. Envision how you want to spend your nights on the patio and come up with a design that can suit them.


A Bonus Room

A bonus room downstairs.

When buying a home, having an extra room can be a lifesaver. If your home already has everything you need, you might feel like an extra room is unneeded. But, it’s nice to have some cushion for future changes. What happens if you get into a new hobby like sewing and need extra space for your machine and supplies? What if you want to build an in-home gym? What if you end up having a child?


A bonus room can be a convenient solution when life has a few extra surprises it wants to throw at you. Avoid stress over building a new room or planning an addition to your home by starting with an additional room (if budget allows).



These seven features are what many modern homeowners look for when buying a home. There are many more features that suit individual tastes, and you probably have some must-haves that we missed.


Remember, your home might not have everything on the list, so pick the must-haves you feel are most important to you. You can improve your home over time, meaning that you can eventually have the house that has it all!


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