Realty Executives Exceptional Realtors®

Karen Miglin

REALTOR® /Sales Associate (908) 347-9118

Karen Miglin

REALTOR® /Sales Associate

Realty Executives Exceptional Realtors®


Five Common Home Buyer Misconceptions

(Published on - 4/3/2019 2:04:19 PM)



Buying a home is probably a lot more manageable than you think. Somewhere along the line, these crazy misconceptions have crept into the home buying conversation and made the dream of home ownership seem less attainable.  

It’s time to set the record straight. Here are five common homebuyer misconceptions and the truth about each:

1. You need to save 20 percent for the down payment before you can buy a home.

There are several ways to buy a home without a 20 percent down payment!

FHA loans are the most popular option. They allow you to buy a home with as little as 3.5 percent down.  There are also zero percent down options for special cases, like military personnel (active or veteran) or rural properties. Simply contact a lender to discuss your options. You may be closer to home ownership than you think!

Quick side note: you should also understand that your down payment won’t be your only home buying expense. You’ll need money to pay for closing costs (typically 2-5 percent of the purchase price). And you should have a little money set aside to make any urgent renovations or necessary upgrades.

2. Now isn’t a good time to buy because interest rates are rising.

The interest rate on your mortgage is a significant factor in your monthly payment and in the total amount you pay over the term of your loan. Interest rates are on the rise, which means the cost of having a mortgage is increasing. Many buyers mistakenly think they missed the boat on low interest rates.  

But did you know interest rates are still historically low? When you look at interest rates by decade, you’ll see rates between 7-12 percent in the ’70s, over 18 percent in the ’80s, and 7-9 percent in the ’90s. Today’s rates are only around 5 percent!

Contrary to the misconception, now is the perfect time to buy, before rates get higher.

3. You need to wait for the perfect home.

There isn’t always going to the perfect home. When buyers look for the perfect home, they typically end up frustrated and disappointed.

Instead of worrying about everything you need to make it perfect, focus on your priorities. What aspects of a home are most important to you?    

Location is always a good aspect to focus on first. You can change almost anything else about a home through renovations, remodeling, or even rebuilding, but you can’t change the location.

4. You don’t need to be pre-approved for a mortgage loan?

For most people, the first step in the home buying process is getting pre-approved for a mortgage.  Pre-approval confirms that you’re financially ready to buy. A lender will look over your financial information and tell you how much money you’re qualified to borrow for a mortgage. That way you’ll know exactly what price range to stay in when you start your house hunt.

To get pre-approved, simply contact a local lender (you can even compare interest rates for multiple lenders online!).

5. You can save money by cutting out the real estate agent.

Did you know that buyers don’t pay their real estate agents? The sellers pay all real estate agent fees. So if you’re a buyer, there’s no reason not to hire a real estate agent to give you professional representation in this important investment transaction.

Real estate agents have the inside scoop on the market, they’re expert negotiators, and they can smoothly guide you through the process (and the paperwork).

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by hiring a real estate agent to represent you in buying your home.

Don’t let these common home buyer misconceptions delay your dream of home ownership! Qualifying for a loan and buying a home is within reach.

This post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. This post was written by Michelle Clardie. Michelle is a professional real estate blogger, specializing in ghostwriting Realtor® blogs. Her engaging content helps real estate agents become more visible online, generate more qualified leads, and increase their revenues. You can learn more at

How To Keep Your Home Show Ready

(Published on - 4/1/2019 4:45:27 PM)


To maximize your sale price, you need to make sure your house is available to buyers. Even when they want to visit at an inconvenient time with little notice.

Keeping your home show-ready around the clock can be stressful, but we have a few easy tips and tricks to make sure your house always shows its best (even on short notice).

Take care of the Deep Clean before the house hits the market

Before officially listing your house for sale, invest in a deep clean. Taking the time to thoroughly scrub the house before it hits the market will make it much easier to maintain day-to-day throughout the listing period.

And this deep clean goes beyond cleaning. Yes, you want every visible surface to shine, but there are a few more steps to take at this stage to make the house truly show-ready.  

Like decluttering and depersonalizing. Removing all the clutter helps the house to appear larger and more inviting. And removing personal items like family photos and unique collections will help potential buyers to feel more at home in the space. And the more at home they feel, the more likely they are to make an offer!

Squeeze in a quick straightening every morning

To maintain the show-readiness of your house, you just need to spend a little time straightening up each morning.

Stylish storage bins are the perfect tool to make this process quick and painless. Daily life clutter like toiletries, mail, and kids’ toys can be tossed in a bin and instantly hidden from sight.

After that, just run through the house quickly to make sure that:  

  1. Dishes and laundry are put away
  2. The beds are made
  3. Curtains and blinds are open to let in the light
  4. The house smells fresh
  5. Everything is generally in its place

Plan to be away from the house during showings

Buyers generally aren’t able to feel at home when the sellers are present. Give your potential buyers the freedom to relax in the house and imagine themselves living there by staying away from the house during showings.

This includes pets. Many people are afraid of animals. And many others have pet allergies. Even if your potential buyers love animals, your pets may actually hurt your prospects by distracting the buyers when they should be focusing on the house.

Create a plan to get everyone out of the house with little notice. Make a little “go bag” with everything you‘ll need to keep yourself, your kids and your pets away from home for a bit. Maybe do some shopping or enjoy some time at the park while the house is being shown.  

If you work away from home, you might want to make workday arrangements for kids and pets. Perhaps they could stay with family or go to daycare so you won’t have to leave work to round them up if there’s a short-notice showing.

Keeping your house show-ready 24/7 may require a little extra time and effort. But these tips will minimize the inconvenience and maximize selling potential. Plus any hassle will be worth it when your house fetches top dollar because it shows well!

This post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. This post was written by Michelle Clardie. Michelle is a professional real estate blogger, specializing in ghostwriting Realtor® blogs. Her engaging content helps real estate agents become more visible online, generate more qualified leads, and increase their revenues. You can learn more at



Spring Cleaning Tips and Organization

(Published on - 4/1/2019 4:43:42 PM)


Spring is finally here, and that means it’s time for spring cleaning!

Here are some spring cleaning and organization tips to help you feel motivated and refreshed at the start of a new season.

List Your Priorities

First thing’s first: you should make a list of your goals and priorities for your home this season. Do you have enough time for a thorough, deep cleaning of your home, or do you instead want to target specific areas and rooms? Do you have a lot of things you need to donate or throw away, or are you focusing more on getting organized? List your spring cleaning priorities in order of importance so you can tackle everything as needed.

Put Away Seasonal Items

Before you start cleaning your home, it can be helpful to first put away the things you don’t need for this season. Set aside all of the winter items in your home so you can organize them and put them away since you won’t be needing them this spring. By putting away seasonal items, you can visualize your home as it will look in the spring without seeing any of the clutter that winter decor and items may have caused.

Do a Once-over of Each Room

As you get ready to clean and organize, you can go through each room one by one, assessing what needs to be done. Chances are, some areas of your home are in need of more TLC than others. As you go through each area, you can throw away anything that you know is garbage, set aside the things you want to donate, and make a more specific note of what needs to be organized.

Clean Larger Appliances and Furniture

Cleaning larger appliances and furniture can often be tiresome and eventful, but you could feel a great sense of accomplishment after you tackle these time-consuming chores. Cleaning the fridge and stove, vacuuming under large items like the sofa and dining table, and giving bulky furniture pieces a good dusting can almost instantly breathe new life into your home. Bonus points if you dust your blinds and have your curtains washed!

Organize Your Fridge, Pantry, and Other Storage Areas

If you want to take spring cleaning as an opportunity to get organized, start with the areas of your home that you frequent the most: your fridge, pantry, and other storage areas. In your kitchen and bathroom, move the items that will spoil or expire sooner toward the front, along with anything you are frequently using. You can also purchase drawer or cabinet organizers so and label your shelves or storage bins to encourage you and your household to continue to keep organized. Organizing the areas you access most often may even inspire you to tackle the areas of your home that you may tend to forget about, or even the ones that may overwhelm you, like your closet.

Don’t Feel Pressured

Finally, don’t let the idea of spring cleaning cause you to feel pressured or overwhelmed. Cleaning and organizing your entire home can often be a stressful task, so it’s important to recognize when you need a break. If spring cleaning is overwhelming to you, tackle each area or item one by one, or recruit a friend to help you in the process. You can even get the whole family involved to make spring cleaning feel less like a chore that you are doing all on your own. Remember that you are in control of your home.

This post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. The point of view and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Realty Executives International. This post was written by Bailee Abell. Bailee Abell is a writer born and raised in California. A graduate of University of California, Santa Barbara, she loves reading classic literature, sipping warm beverages, and visiting theme parks every chance she gets. Find her at

5 Clever Features to Include in Your Next Home Renovation

(Published on - 3/23/2019 7:55:53 PM)


Home renovations offer the perfect opportunity to upgrade the functionality of your home, in addition to modernizing the design and feel of your space.

Here are five clever features you should consider including in your next renovation to elevate your home’s functionality.

1. Smart Systems

Today’s homes are smart. They incorporate technology to make our lives safer, easier, more energy efficient, and more enjoyable.

If you’re renovating, you’d be wise to include a smart system that can handle these tasks for you:

  • Lighting: Lights on a motion sensor can save on energy usage, and lights on automatic timers give the impression that the home is occupied even while you’re away on vacation.
  • Heating and air: Smart thermostats allow you to automate the temperature in your home and even control it from your phone. You can give the HVAC system a rest while you’re at work during the day, then turn it on remotely so the house is the perfect temperature when you arrive home.  
  • Multimedia: With voice activation, you can turn on your sound system, video call family, or start your favorite TV show by just stating orders out loud. Your house is at your command.
  • Home monitoring: Security cameras, noise detectors, and motion sensors can all be installed to help protect your home. Smart monitoring systems can send you a text alert if a potential problem is detected.

Smart systems have you covered!

2. Walk-In Showers

Not only do walk-in showers look sleek, but they are also a smart safety feature.

Many at-home falls happen while climbing out of slippery tub/showers. Walk-in showers dramatically reduce this risk by eliminating the need to climb over a wall every time you get in and out of the shower.

3. In-Wall Pest Control

If you’ll be opening up your walls, make a little extra investment in in-wall pest control.

In-wall pest control uses a network of small cables running through the walls to distribute pest control chemicals throughout the structure. Just spray the chemicals into the network entrance points regularly to maintain a pest-free home.    

4. Pull-Out Cabinets

Pull-out cabinets are a genius solution for homes with limited counter space. These cabinets tuck neatly under your existing counters, looking like standard cabinets. But when you need a bigger work surface, you can roll these cabinets out and use the finished tops to extend your counter space.

And these are ideal for more than just kitchens. You could also use pull-out cabinets in your home office, garage, and hobby room!

5. Clever Storage Spots

Traditional builds often leave some space wasted. Which is a shame because we all need more storage. Take a few notes from creative tiny-house builders who know how to maximize storage space:

  • Install pull-out drawers for shoe storage under the staircase where the space is too short to store much else.
  • Create a raised platform in the playroom so you can store lots of the toys in the space between the existing floor and the new platform floor.
  • Add baseboard drawers under kitchen cabinets to store thin items like baking trays, muffin tins, and cooling racks.

Don’t just settle for a more pleasing aesthetic with your next home renovation. Use these tips to improve the function of your home at the same time!

This post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. This post was written by Michelle Clardie. Michelle is a professional real estate blogger, specializing in ghostwriting Realtor® blogs. Her engaging content helps real estate agents become more visible online, generate more qualified leads, and increase their revenues. You can learn more at

Is There a Perfect Time to Sell Your Home?

(Published on - 3/23/2019 7:27:39 PM)


Selling your home is a big decision that you don’t want to take lightly. When it comes to putting your home on the market, you don’t want to make a mistake that will end up costing you much more than you anticipated. And once you decide you want to sell your home, there are many things to think about before listing it, including the time of year (and time in your life) you choose to sell. Here’s what you should consider before selling your home, and whether or not there is a perfect time to do so.

Consider your personal finances

First thing’s first: you have to consider your own personal finances in any major homeowner decision you make, especially when it comes to buying or selling a home. This is highly important when trying to figure out if there is a perfect time to sell your home. While real estate trends can come and go, there may be a right and wrong time for you personally to sell your home. To figure this out, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I financially obligated to sell my home?
  • Do I need to sell as soon as possible, or am I financially able to wait until the market is best?
  • How much am I willing to invest into selling my home (can I afford to make home improvements, hire a real estate agent, etc.)?

Research the nation’s home sales trends

Many online resources like Zillow report home selling and buying trends. These can give you a better idea of the best time of year to sell your home. For example, Zillow reports that historically, Spring is the best season of the year to sell your home. Specifically, the first half of May is the time of year to maximize your return and minimize your home’s time on the market, according to Zillow. While this trend can help you decide when to list your home, it is important to remember that trends vary, and they are not a guarantee that your home will sell during that time. Home sales trends are simply another way you can determine the best time to sell your home, though you should not rely on just a trend to make such an important decision.

Research when homes in your neighborhood historically peak in sales

The homes in your region, state, city, or even neighborhood may peak during a specific season or month of the year. Research when homes in your area historically peak in sales and consider listing your home on the market during that time. Homes in your neighborhood may sell the most during a different time of year than the nation’s trends. For example, while Spring is the most common time of year for home sales to peak, you may live in a climate with mild weather year round, and home sales could peak in your neighborhood during a different month of the year than the nation’s average. It could be a good idea to sell your home when home sales in your area tend to peak so you have the best chance of selling your home for the price you are looking for.

What is the best choice for you and your family

If you are looking to sell a home that you and your family are currently living in, then the decision to sell will impact your family. Above all, you should consider what is most important to you and your family when determining when to sell your home. If you have children, you may want to list in the late spring and move out by the time your children are on summer break. If you are looking to sell your home because you are transferring jobs to a new area or state, consider how long you have before your work transfer. Keep in mind yourself, your significant other, and your family, because selling a home just as much a personal decision as it is a financial one.

This post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. The point of view and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Realty Executives International. This post was written by Bailee Abell. Bailee Abell is a writer born and raised in California. A graduate of University of California, Santa Barbara, she loves reading classic literature, sipping warm beverages, and visiting theme parks every chance she gets. Find her at



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REALTOR® /Sales Associate

Karen Miglin

Disclaimer: Each office independently owned and operated. Please disregard this message if you are already under contract with another real estate professional.