Realty Executives Gulf Coast

Serving the Alabama and Florida Panhandle

Realty Executives Gulf Coast


Projected Growth Along Alabama Gulf Coast

(Published on - 8/10/2015 8:54:50 PM)

Baldwin County is the largest county in the state of Alabama with some 1,596 square miles nestled in between the metropolitan areas of Mobile, Alabama, and Pensacola, Florida. With a population of over 200,000, this area continues to grow despite several economic setbacks and natural disasters over the course of the last decade.


What is the attraction?  Could it be the low sales and real estate taxes? The Alabama Gulf Coastal attractions? Is it the low unemployment rate?


There are many contributing factors that draw people to Baldwin County and the growth rate is expected to continue on into 2018 at a 30% growth rate.


As a real estate company, our focus is on providing the best and most accurate information available to our clients. Our duty is to become proactive in our striving to promote our area.  Here are a few forecasted factors contributing to the projected 30% growth.


1.  The age of those moving to the Baldwin County area are between 18-45.

2.  Most moving into Baldwin County are commuting to Mobile or Pensacola for work.

3.  Job growth rate for the next 10 years in Mobile is expected to increase by 30%. See here, Economy in Mobile

4.  The cost of living in Baldwin County is below national average.

5.  Of those moving, over 26% have a bachelor's degree or higher and are white collar workers.

6.  1 in 10 hold a graduate’s degree.

7.  Medium income is projected at $49,000.


What does this have to do with us? With increased growth housing needs will rise. An easy route to Mobile or short commute will be desired.  Preparing for new growth and becoming proactive now will increase our chances in providing those seeking homes with the best options available.  

To read more visit, Baldwin County Demographics



32 Miles of Beachfront                             28 Champion Golf Courses

3 Local Hospitals                                      7 Universities Within 50+Miles

9 Community Colleges Within 50+Miles

Named One of the “10 Best Weekend Getaways” by Southern Living Magazine


For more information, contact one of our many professional real estate salespersons who can help you find the perfect spot to call home on the Alabama Gulf Coast.


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