Realty Executives of Sudbury Ltd.

Steve Caswell

Steve Caswell


Realty Executives of Sudbury Ltd.

The Good Stuff

Looking for "The Good Stuff"?  You're in the right place!  


Most other Realtor® websites would have some pop-up window or built-in form designed to grab your information.  I know you're "not a robot" and you shouldn't be treated that way.  Instead, I prefer to talk to you directly about your needs and wants and what your perfect property looks like to you. 

If you're a seller, I want to give you a true value of your home, not some automated postal code reply that doesn't take into your home's unique characteristics.

You deserve to deal directly with a professional, not automated systems.  Which is why I want to hear from you directly at or through any of my contact info contained on this site.

JUST WANT TO CHECK OUT LISTINGS? is the search platform of all MLS™ listings throughout Greater Sudbury and surrounding areas where you can establish the criteria for your needs!

Looking for the perfect cottage CAMP?   All recreational properties throughout Greater Sudbury and surrounding areas, including Manitoulin Island and French River areas are in one easy click at

So you're an investor!  Click on for a list of all the potential residential investment opportunities in the entire area!



Humans make mistakes and buyers are no different. CLICK HERE for our top 10 common mistakes by buyers that we've experienced first hand.



Just like buyers, sellers can make mistakes as well.  CLICK HERE for our top 10 common mistakes we've seen sellers make.


Still haven't found what you're looking for?  Maybe My Blog or Facebook Page might have the info you were hoping to find!  But, even better, why not reach out to me directly at to see how I can help!  Or check out my social media links:




Steve Caswell (click here to read more about "Caz"!)

cell - 705.561.8767



My website is fully constructed and maintained by myself.  I don't believe in "copy & paste" standardized info as there is no such thing as "standard" when it comes to real estate.  I want to be personal cause that's what you deserve - personalized service and quality attention to detail for your specific needs.
During your time browsing my site, if you find any errors within the content, have concerns or comments about the information supplied, run into any broken links or spelling mistakes, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at with what you've found.  Even if you disagree with some of my content, I'd be more than happy to discuss your concerns at anytime.
All information contained on this page and within this entire website is to be used for informational purposes only.  Some info may become less accurate as time passes but I'll do my best to maintain updated and quality information.  Some information is provided more for enjoyment and no circumstances herein are directly reflected towards any specific individual(s), brokerage(s) or entity(ies) whatsoever.
Due to this content being contributed directly by myself, all content herein, aside from anything quoted and referenced, shall be deemed as copyrighted material and shall not be copied, used, transferred or any form of reproduction without written consent from Steve Caswell.  Sharing pages, links to this website or providing direction to our website of any kind through Social Media platforms will not constitute infringement unless the material is copied without reference and direct link supplied to the source.
**STATISTICS DISCLAIMER - any reference to stats, unless otherwise mentioned, within this website, Social Media posts from this site or on any other form of broadcast are based on MLS® stats from the previous calendar year and are compiled personally with a potential margin of error.  The research used all sales data from both the Matrix systems used by the Sudbury Real Estate Board members.

Questions? Need Advice? Complete this form for more information.

Contact Information::

Copyright 2024 Realty Executives All Rights Reserved


Steve Caswell

Disclaimer: Each office independently owned and operated. Please disregard this message if you are already under contract with another real estate professional.