Realty Executives The Executive Team

Melissa J. Ward, REALTOR®

REALTOR® (601) 270-3916

Melissa J. Ward, REALTOR®


Realty Executives The Executive Team




(Published on - 4/8/2022 9:44:16 PM)

How to Get Your Home Ready for Showings (There Will Be Many!)


If you haven’t heard, real estate is a hot commodity. With more and more people moving out of the big city into more affordable locations every day, there has never been a better time to sell than now. Don’t be intimidated by the process, but know that your home will be an open parade while it’s on the market. For this reason, and to attract the highest bidder, it’s best to have your biggest asset in its best shape.


Here are tips from Realty Executives’ Melissa Ward on how to set the stage for showing success.


Start at the neighbor’s house.


No matter where you live, there’s a good chance that there are at least a few other homes going up for sale in your area. Spend a day browsing local listings or pop into open houses – and, yes, you can attend without a realtor, according to Progressive – to see how everyone else is set up. If you don’t want to physically visit, check local recent sold listings to see how those that got the highest price had their home staged.




When we say depersonalize, we don’t mean that you have to remove everything that makes the house you are in a home. But, you should clear out your family’s clutter – we all have an overflowing toy bin or junk drawer – and pack up as many trinkets and family photos as possible. If you’re concerned that you won’t be able to find your stuff once it’s packed up, try this label maker trick: use colorful bins to hide your personal items and add to your decor. A perk of this lifehack is that you will know where your stuff is, and it will already be packed or when it’s time to move.


Cater to curb appeal.


Curb appeal is how your home looks when you pull into the driveway or pass by it on the road. If your house has none, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Better Homes & Gardens has several suggestions, including installing window boxes, replacing outdated hardware, and adding accent trim. Importantly, you should also take the time to clean the deck, walkways, and siding. The simplest way to do this is by using a pressure washer, but be cautious and use common sense, as these powerful machines can cause injuries.


Open the windows.


If you’ve ever walked into your home the day after cooking fish, garlic, or onions, you know that some odors stick around long after your dinner is done. Your home is like a box that traps certain scents, such as food, that you may not be fully aware of. Open the windows to allow the air to circulate in the days and, if possible, hours, before your open house or showings begin. You should also clean the carpet and upholstery and take any animal bedding/litter boxes to the garage.

Offer lots of open space.

Open space in your home not only makes it easier for the photographer to get great photos, but it also provides a better flow for potential buyers as they walk from room to room. Eliminate large or bulky furniture, and don’t leave blanket baskets, toys, or other unnecessary items on the floor.

Getting your home ready for showings means it has to be in its best shape ever. Prioritize cleanliness, and get rid of clutter in every nook and cranny. Make sure you have lots of space for photos and walking tours and don’t forget to start packing early so that you can be ready to head out on the closing day.

Contact Melissa J. Ward today at 601.268.1600, and let her knowledge and passion guide you as you sell your current home and prepare for life in your new one.

Image via Pexels


Provided by:  Shirley Martin

Helping Seniors Move: Advice for an Easy Transition

(Published on - 3/22/2022 10:31:53 PM)


Image from Pexels


Helping Seniors Move: Advice for an Easy Transition


Moving homes is a particularly challenging time for most of us, but moving poses additional unique challenges for seniors. There is the tiring act of physically moving somewhere and the emotionally burdensome act of downsizing and finding the perfect home. The anxiety associated with moving can take a toll on seniors. However, you can prevent the toll of this transition by hiring a moving service that specializes in seniors' moves.


How will these services benefit you? Realty Executives walks you through easing your way through the moving process.


Organize the Actual Transition


You want to set yourself up for success -- both at your old house and your new one. Hiring caretakers to handle time-consuming tasks like cleaning the house, emptying the fridge, and disconnecting the utilities is an excellent place to start. Do some research about key additions to increase your property's value, and learn about the local real estate market to figure out how much you'll get from the sale of your home. 


According to this AARP study, 70% of seniors move to be closer to family. So staying with your family or at a hotel until the new house is set up and comfortable is an excellent way to ease your move. This way, your transition will be seamless, as you move from one 'home' to another.


Hiring Movers


Hiring professional movers is a great way to reduce effort and stress -- and using a moving company has the added benefit of allowing you to browse ratings and reviews before you make a selection. To get a good idea if a company will be right for you, you can also ask them some important questions:


  • Do you have experience working with seniors?
  • Can you provide references?
  • What are your professional credentials? 
  • What are the services included in a typical move?


Once you get a good idea of the company's services, you can get into the budget and other practical concerns. While senior movers may come at a higher price point, they will save you considerable headaches down the line.


Getting Settled


Planning is going to get you everywhere. Set up a line of communication with your senior move manager and moving company so that expectations are set upfront. Go slow, and communicate how you'd like to set your new home up rather than trying to control the process yourself. 


While setting up your home, make sure you take steps to help eliminate tripping hazards such as cords, cables, rugs. Also, make sure that you have adequate lighting in your bedroom, hallways, and bathrooms; this can help you avoid a fall during the middle of the night.


You'll also want to ensure that you keep your medicines and other essentials on hand, so you're not looking for them when you're getting settled. Get the place set up with state-of-the-art security. You can ask your moving manager to get the locks re-keyed for ultimate safety. 


Moving is stressful -- but the good news is that help is out there if you need it. Hiring movers specializing in senior services will be beneficial, as the process will be streamlined and more efficient as it caters to seniors. Easing the burden of moving can go a long way in a joyful, seamless experience and an easy transition to your new home.


Realty Executives has a simple but important goal: to help you find your next dream home. Start your search today by exploring our website.


Provided By: Shirley Martin

How to Keep Your House in Tip-Top Condition

(Published on - 3/8/2022 10:33:50 PM)

Melissa J. Ward of Realty Executives wants to empower you, whether you're buying, selling, or simply seeking market insights. Reach out today! (601) 268-1600



Photo via Pixabay


How to Keep Your House in Tip-Top Condition


Our homes go through a lot of wear and tear — everything from wind, rain, snow, and extreme temperatures can cause the need for a few important repairs. Forgoing these critical maintenance tasks can reduce your home value and even set you up for larger, pricier repairs in the future. Below are some of the most important maintenance tasks you should focus on to keep your house in excellent condition. 


Know When to Call a Licensed Professional


Before jumping into any DIY home project, give yourself adequate time to prepare. Read through online guides from licensed professionals, take proper safety precautions, and make a list of required tools and materials before heading to the store. Check out online reviews before shopping for supplies. Duct tape, for example, seems simple enough, but different duct tape products are better suited for certain repair projects. 


If you ever feel like you're in over your head, call in a licensed service professional — it's better to have the job done right the first time! That being said, there are plenty of spring home maintenance tasks that you’ll be able to do on your own.


Assess the Health of Your Foundation


Start by giving your attention to the bones of your home. Your foundation needs to be in good shape to support your house for years to come. According to Granite Foundation Repair, water is the most common culprit behind foundation damage, so ensure that water is draining properly and not pooling around your house. Head to your basement and look for cracks in the walls or floor. Some cracks are normal while others may indicate a major foundation issue — it’s best to have these inspected by a licensed professional. Normal cracks that result from your house settling should be repaired to prevent moisture problems in the home.


Check Your Roof for Damage


Another integral part of your home is your roof. Remove any debris before it causes the roof to rot and clean out your gutters to allow proper drainage from your house. Check for missing or cracked shingles. If you’re seeing a lot of problems and your roof is older than 20 years, it might be time for a replacement. Otherwise, you may be able to repair a few problem shingles. If you don’t feel comfortable getting up on the roof or being on a tall ladder, call a licensed professional! Falls from this height are incredibly dangerous. Here’s a good trick from Global News — keep your feet on the ground and examine your roof through a pair of binoculars!


Harsh weather may have caused damage to trees around your home. Look out for dead branches in the tree's crown, splits in the trunk, or rot near the base of the tree. Call a professional tree feller to take care of any hazardous trees that may cause damage to your property.


Tackle Often-Forgotten Tasks


While roof and foundation problems are large and easy to spot, hidden maintenance tasks are often forgotten. For example, clean your outdoor AC unit to reduce strain on your system and lower your energy bills during the summer. Take this opportunity to also vacuum your refrigerator coils. 


An additional way to cut down on your energy bills is to seal any air leaks around your windows with new weather-stripping or caulking. Another important window maintenance task includes checking your window weep holes — these little holes near the exterior bottom corner of your windows can become clogged with debris. Before heavy rains, make sure these holes are clean and draining freely.


These maintenance tasks will help you avoid serious problems in the future that can become dangerous or just plain expensive. No one wants to discover a leak when relentless rains start. Moreover, these are some of the essential repairs to stay on top of if you plan to sell your home and want to get a good price out of it.


Provided By: Shirley Martin

Make Your Home Work for You

(Published on - 2/23/2022 11:07:26 PM)


Redecorating your Hattiesburg, MS, home can be more economical than a total remodel. Changing paint colors, adding new furniture, or installing an updated rug can transform the personality of your home or apartment.

If you’re interested in creating more functional spaces, you have many options. Space-saving pieces make creating a corner office in a bedroom or den easy. Portable and rolling storage shelves and cabinets can help tame clutter and help you work more efficiently.

Reclaim Your Space and Time: Get Rid of Clutter

Think about what you can eliminate before decorating or bringing new items into your home or apartment. Clutter in a home not only wastes space but also wastes your time. A closet full of clothes you haven't worn in three years only frustrates you when you must dress in a hurry. The kitchen or office drawer that serves as a catch-all for old mail and trinkets makes it difficult to find necessary items. Donate or toss unneeded items, and make room for the things you use every day.

Create a Dedicated Office Space

If you're like many people who now work from home, you may struggle to find a suitable place to work. Working from a sofa may sound comfortable, but the distractions you face can challenge your time management. The temptation to watch television while working or take a relaxation break can eat into your work time.

 If your dining room table is your office, you may find yourself moving laptops, books, and monitors at the end of the day, only to set them up again the following day. Consider creating a dedicated area where you can leave your work tools. That way, you always know where things are, and you can manage your time better because you don’t waste it moving equipment at the beginning and end of your workday. Invest in an appropriate desk and chair to help you work comfortably. Rolling file cabinets and storage shelves can help keep your papers and supplies organized.

Make the Most of Your Living Room

Dividing your living space into zones offers more options if you have family members with different interests. Consider creating a nook for reading if you live in a smaller home or apartment. Add a comfortable chair, lamp, and small side table to a corner. Include a storage ottoman as a place to keep board games. Your games are organized and ready for your family or friends to enjoy, and the ottoman gives you extra seating or serves as a game-playing surface.

Take advantage of vertical space on your walls by installing floating shelves. They make an attractive display space while keeping the walls from looking cluttered.

Make Your Home Your Happy Space

Whether you live in an apartment or a house, decluttering your home can help you manage your time and space. Redecorating and repurposing furniture and other items can make better use of the available square footage and make your home your happy space.

If your space can no longer accommodate your various needs, contact Melissa Ward of Realty Executives at 601-270-3916 to help you find a more suitable home.


 Provided By: Shirley Martin




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Melissa J. Ward, REALTOR®

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