Realty Executives Demo

Executive Training

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Executive Training

For Training Purposes Only

Realty Executives Demo


Print Who?

(Published on - 4/24/2018 10:12:16 PM)

I remember being a young girl loving to check the mail because there were always advertisments and marketing postcards that I could read over.  I am sure my parents did not like the extra "junk" laying around the house after I was done with them.  As an adult, I now hate checking the mail and receiving these junk post cards and to tell you the truth, they just end up in the trash.


We are now in the digital age.  People rarely send letters or anything of interest that will have you excited to check the mail.  The only things coming in the mail these days are bills and guess what, online billing is taking over the financial world.  


Truth of the matter is, we are now fully embedded in the digital times where businesses realize that the best way to get their items into households is through digital marketing.  While on twitter the other day I and saw a charm a company had for sale for Mother's Day.  I previously had no interest in purchasing a Mother's Day charm for my mother nor had I ever heard of the company.  But I ended up clicking on that ad and guess what my mother is getting for Mother's Day.  


According to Statista,  revenue from print advertisement has decreased drastically since 2007 and online advertising revenue has increased.  While print advertisment is still alive a well, customers react quicker to online advertisement that allows a quick click to the item for sale.


Have you ever googled an item and later in the day while on a social media site, saw an item for that ad?  


Companies like Facebook, Twitter and even online newspapers are able to integrate ad placement tailored specifically to the customer based on that customers interest.  Doing so has increased online sales as well as led to a higher customer retention rate by capturing customer provided information for further sales opportunities.


According to Digital Marketing Phillapines, companies using digital marketing strategies have 2.8 times better revenue growth expectancy.  Digital marketing is helping businesses small and large stay afloat and even grow there companies.



So now that advertising is at the click of a button, we can save time (and trees) and I can limit my mail walks to once per week.













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Executive Training

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