Realty Executives Midwest

Serving Darien, IL

Realty Executives Midwest


Changing Your Address? Here’s Who Needs to Know.

(Published on - 1/23/2017 3:40:24 PM)

Are you preparing for a move? You probably know to notify your friends and loved ones, but there turns out to be a surprising number of people and organizations who need to know about the address change. A recent article from Zillow included a comprehensive checklist which covers pretty much everyone you will need to notify:

  1. Family and friends
  2. Current employer
  3. Landlord
  4. Postal services
  5. Utilities
  6. DMV
  7. Government agencies
  8. The IRS
  9. Financial institutions
  10. Insurance companies
  11. Medical and educational facilities
  12. Subscription services and clubs

 Be sure to read the article to check out advice for notifications when dealing with each of these 12 parties who need to be notified. Read all about it here:
While certain companies and institutions usual have formal processes for notification of an address change, it can be a good idea to go ahead and get some inexpensive postcards printed up announcing your move.

If you’re looking for other superb moving tips, don’t miss out on the website Moving.Tips (http:// It contains a wealth of information on issues and questions surrounding making a move, including articles such as “Why cheaper is not necessarily better when moving house?” and “How to say goodbye to a home when moving?” 

Moving can be stressful, but there’s a lot you can do to reduce stress and even add some much needed fun and satisfying emotional transitions to the event. 

Thinking about a move? We can help you buy or sell your next home; Contact us today.

Realty Executives Midwest
1310 Plainfield Rd. Ste 2 | Darien, IL 60561
Office: 630-969-8880



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