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Realty Executives Elite Homes


Home Seller In Nutley NJ? 3 Ways to Bullet Proof Your Sales Success

(Published on - 11/23/2020 7:06:32 PM)

Home Seller In Nutley NJ? 3 Ways to Bullet Proof Your Sales Success

It's true the Real Estate market in Nutley NJ is Hot, but a lot more deals are falling apart, here are some ways to bulletproof your sales success and get to the closing table.


#1 Don't Try And Sell On Your Own!

For Sale By Owner in Nutley NJ

I know, I know, It's tempting to throw a sign on the lawn of your gorgeous house in Nutley and watch the bidding war and people throwing money at you right? Boom! Here is a dose of reality, homes don't sell themselves, even if a prospective buyer comes to town and offers you a boat load of money, who is going to write up the contract? Attorneys hate doing that, and then who is going to make sure Inspections, appraisals and deposits etc. will be done made on time and then some, most likely your attorney is going to lay all that work off on some assitant in his or her office at that point you will be the real estate agent or actiing like one with no guidance.


The other issue is when people look for For Sale by owner homes in Nutley, they want the discount on the commission that you were going to pay the real estate agent, and it's a fact that when a home is listed with a local Nutley Realtor the seller usually net's more money with a smooth transaction.


#2 Real Estate agents make the local Nutley market

You local Nutley realtor knows the market place, knows all the players and movers and shakers in town with a long list of buyers, also knows the local building department, building codes and more, a knowledgable agent can help you get your home ready for sale and ready for that all important home inspection, which these days is where 50% of all home sales fall apart, and can make the difference between a good home selling experiance and a bad one.

Home selling in Nutley


#3 Professional Photography & Perception

First impressions are very important especially when you want to get the most money for your current home you want to sell, Incorporating good photos and video for potential home buyers means a lot today and it can fetch you more money and create a higher demand for a home that is photographed well, think about your high school graduation or wedding photography, you would not just whip out a camera and take any photo and hang it on your wall right? good photos and video also seperate you from the competition.

Home sellers in Nutley NJ


Selling a home in today's market with the new group of buyers out there can be challenging, if you would like to here more about how we can help you get your home sold for more in the least amount of time, please fell free to reach out to me at 862-228-0554.


Below are a couple of homes we were succesful in selling





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