Realty Executives Premiere

Sue Wiskowski-Fair

Broker, Suburban Chicago Area -- CRS,CRB,SFR,C2EX,GRI (630) 235-4861

Sue Wiskowski-Fair

Broker, Suburban Chicago Area -- CRS,CRB,SFR,C2EX,GRI

Realty Executives Premiere


Aurora IL ranks among the top 10 US cities for Families

(Published on - 12/28/2016 9:45:10 PM)

Two firms have ranked the best cities for families.........WalletHub and Metrostudy.  At a time when the economy is still recovering from the Great Recession of the early 2000's, moving is a critical decision for families.  Their criteria includes close proximity to prosperous job markets, decent healthcare and quality education they feel is paramount for many families looking to set down roots, and not to have to "break the bank" doing so.


See their full analysis here:


Billionaire John Paulson speaks out on Homeownership as an Investment

(Published on - 5/4/2016 8:49:57 PM)

Buy a Home… And if You Can, Buy a Second Home!


Three years ago, John Paulson gave a keynote address at the CNBC/Institutional Investor Conference. In his speech, he told those in attendance that he believes housing will continue its strong recovery for the next 4 to 7 years, saying that:


"The housing market has bottomed. It's not too late to get involved. I still think buying a home is the best investment any individual can make. Affordability is still at an all-time high."

When asked how the average person could take advantage of the current real estate market at the time, Paulson said:

“Buy a home and, if you can, buy a second home.”

Two years ago, Paulson reiterated his statement, saying:

"I still think, from an individual perspective, the best deal investment you can make is to buy a primary residence that you're the owner-occupier of."

Who is John Paulson and why should you listen to him?

Paulson is the person who, back in 2005 & 2006, made a fortune betting that the subprime mortgage mess would cause the real estate market to collapse. He understands how the housing market works and knows when to buy and when to sell.

What do others think of Paulson?

According to Forbes, John Paulson is:

“A multibillionaire hedge fund operator and the investment genius.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, Paulson is:

“A hedge fund tycoon who made his name, and a fortune, betting against subprime mortgages when no one else even knew what they were.” 

So… Is what he said still true?

The core reasons behind Paulson’s statements still ring true today, but why does he believe homeownership is such a great investment?

Paulson broke down the math of homeownership as an investment:

1. "Today financing costs are extraordinarily low.”

The latest numbers from Freddie Mac show us that you can still get a 30-year mortgage at historically low rates of under 4%.

2. “And if you put down, let's say, 10 percent and the house is up 5 percent,” as many experts predict, “then you would be up 50 percent on your investment."

How many are seeing a 50% return on a cash investment right now?

Paulson goes on to compare the long term financial benefits of owning versus renting:

3. “And you’ve locked in the cost over the next 30 years. And today the cost of owning is somewhat less than the cost of renting. And if you rent, the rent goes up every year. But if you buy a 30-year mortgage, the cost is fixed.”

Bottom Line

Whenever a billionaire gives investment advice, people usually clamor to hear it. This billionaire gave simple advice – if you don’t yet live in your own home, go buy one.

What are interest rates likely to be in the future?

(Published on - 2/3/2016 6:05:47 PM)

If you're wondering whether to move up to that larger home, or just begin the journey of homeownership, worrying about the rise of interest rates should not be a deterent.  Historically interest rates are as low as they were in the 1970's.  And the experts are projecting a rise during the next year, but not a dramatic increase.  Even though the Fed has projected a rise in interest rates by year end, these are still very affordable mortgage rates and not a reason to put off your next move.  


Jan 16 int rates

Do I need a 780 credit score to buy a home?

(Published on - 10/9/2015 7:23:51 PM)

It is a common misconception that Millennials are not interested in buying a home!  Wrong!  With rents rising and mortgage rates at an all-time low, those ages 20 to 35 are eager to get into their own home.  Statistically, this chart reseached by shows what the activity of the Millennials has been during the first half of 2015.  And the average downpayment was 7.1% and average credit score of 714. (And a FICO score in the 600's can be financed.)  In addition, there are grants available to assist first-time buyers in purchasing their first home.  (DTI means debt to income ratio) Call me to find out how!  630-235-4861millenials

Improving your Credit Score helps to Buy Home

(Published on - 10/9/2015 7:08:11 PM)

I recently had the good fortune to work with a very dedicated couple interested in buying a home.  They'd seen some tough times because of the recession and needed help.  It can be done....with a little help from experts.  See recent Realtor Magazine article.


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Broker, Suburban Chicago Area -- CRS,CRB,SFR,C2EX,GRI

Sue Wiskowski-Fair

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